List of resources

  • YouthEmploy Internship Framework

    The YouthEmploy Framework is a cloud based platform which will host a ‘Learning Agenda’. This assists interns to make their internship as relevant and productive as possible ensuring that they develop on both a personal and professional level. The project provides structured and supervised approach and it’s based on the intern’s self-reflection and employer’s feedback, guidance and advice to assist with the intern’s development in the following areas:

    1. Professional Development           
    2. Ability to Apply Skills into Practice
    3. Work Related Soft Skills
    4. Project Management Skills
    5. Entrepreneurship
    6. Leadership and Decision Making
    7. Understanding  Areas of Development 
  • YouthEmploy Pass

    This is a structured comprehensive reference completed by the employer, it will identify the intern’s strengths and key competencies demonstrated during the internship; list tasks, projects and responsibilities undertaken. This valuable document will assist the intern with their job search, and also act as a reflection tool for the intern. The YouthEmploy Pass will be a vital contribution to the young person as a professional, it will help the interns to build confidence and clearly understand their skill set. The certificate will take the form of a template that will be translated into a certificate upon completion of the employers input. 

  • YouthEmploy Toolkit

    The YouthEmploy Toolkit is a useful resource that will be available to all interns in their pursuit of permanent employment. The following documents will be available to the interns to download:Paste

    1.     Your Online Profile (EN, SP, FR, LT)

    2.     Build Your  CV (EN, SP, FR, LT)

    3.     Interview Skills (EN, SP, FR, LT)

  • Online Marketplace for Prospective Employers

    Prospective employers will be granted access to the YouthEmploy Online Marketplace where they can headhunt and recruit the interns based on the internship outcomes. CV’s and YouthEmploy Pass will be available to the potential employers. This tool will be invaluable to employers seeking young enthusiastic employees for their business.

  • Report for Policy Makers Regarding Benefits of the YouthEmploy Model

    The YouthEmploy Project is based on the best practice of various internship and apprenticeship programs throughout Europe identified during the research phase of the project. The outcomes demonstrated by the YouthEmploy Project will be presented in a report in order to inform policymakers and other stakeholders of the importance and benefits of internships when implemented using best practise. (ENSPFRLT)

©YE, 2022

Project no. 2014-1-IE01-KA202-000375. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.