


Fast Track to Information Technology (Ireland)


FIT’s mission is to promote an inclusive Smart Economy by creating a fast track to marketable technical skills for those at risk of unemployment long term. It is the primary industry skills development initiative facilitating collaboration with government, education and training providers and disadvantaged communities to enable greater access to employment for marginalised job seekers.


Today the Interface3 is recognized as Continuing Training Centre and Socio-professional Insertion Agency by Brussels Region and by numerous private and institutional partners for the quality and the innovative nature of its training, which facilitate access for women to the expanding sectors of the labour market. In 2014 Interface3 offered 10 long vocational trainings leading to qualification in IT jobs in which women are under-represented (network manager, web application developer, etc.) & fields that are more traditionally women's that have become highly computerized (bilingual accounting assistant, etc).  Interface3 center's offers a different approach to vocational training for women which combines, in an integrated course, guidance, pre-training, qualifying training centered on the person and help in starting work. The range of women that comes to Interface3 is very varied, both from the point of view of nationality and place of origin and as regards existing skill levels and age.  Its main unifying factor is that it consists of women looking for a "better working future". Since its creation about 4000 women have benefitted from various training modules, from IT to management and to languages, which have led to successful professional insertion for nearly 70% of them. 

Fundacion tecnalia research & innovation

Tecnalia is the leading private, non-profit, and independent research and technology entity in Spain and one of the largest in Europe, employing 1,419 people (164 PhD holders). Tecnalia is organized by markets, including industry and transport, information and communication technologies, construction, energy and environment, innovation strategies, health and quality of life. Tecnalia has been very active in FP7, participating up to June 2013 in 353 projects and coordinating 76 of them. 

TECNALIA has founded Team Academy Euskadi (, creating new learning programmes to promote entrepreneurial competences, culture and social interaction and to foster the incubation of new technology based firms.

Business in the Community

Business in the Community (BITC) is a charity that helps companies to meet their responsibilities towards society.  We have over 260 ‘member’ companies in the UK who work with us to develop good practice in their marketplace and to demonstrate responsibility towards their people and the planet and places in which they operate. We are the lead CR organisation in Northern Ireland. Corporate Responsibility support provided includes working with businesses in the development and implementation of their corporate responsibility action plans.
We benchmark and measure performance having created CORE the Benchmark standard for Responsible Business.

Baltijos edukacinių technologijų institutas

Baltic education technology institute (BETI) operates in the field of ICT and education technologies for more than 15 years. At the moment there are 12 employees working at BETI. While implementing different activities in higher education and vocational training sectors the rich experience, knowledge and skills were accumulated in the field of ICT enhanced training, distance education methodology, learning technologies, multimedia production, development of web applications, etc. BETI also offers extracurricular training and comprehensive preparation for future studies for pupils. The BETI team has been actively participating in national and European initiatives such as Eureka, Leonardo da Vinci, Phare, KA3, Grundvig and other.



©YE, 2022

Project no. 2014-1-IE01-KA202-000375. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.