Get Involved

YouthEmploy is designed based on best practice of internship and apprenticeship programs. It is an intern-centred approach encouraging and supporting active participation, self-assessment and learning during their work experience.

YouthEmploy  it is a ready-made and free service using the latest cloud-based technology that allows employers to communicate with their Interns using a structured approach to communicate effectively with the interns allowing them track their progress, provide feedback, define areas of improvement as well as areas of particular strengths and achievements.

If you wish to get involved or require additional information on the program please contact the training providers in your country they will be happy to assist you:


Country Company Name Email Address Project Coordinator
Belgium: Interface 3

Elena Lanzoni

Anne Posma


Lithuania: Baltic Education Technology Institute

Daina Gudoniene


Spain: Tecnalia

Jorge Garcia


Ireland: Fastrack into IT (FIT)

Ayuna Murphy

Carol Finlay


Northern Ireland:   Business in the Community Aisling Cunningham


"Useful links":

©YE, 2022

Project no. 2014-1-IE01-KA202-000375. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.