The successful ending of the trip to improved STEM education!

On the last week of June, BETI team participated at the last transnational meeting of the project “SAPPHIRE – STEM education platform”. The final meeting was held together with the STEM conference in Plovdiv, Bulgaria??. Here we were warmly welcomed by the project coordinators – High School of Mathematics “Acad. Kiril Popov”.

During these two days, partners reviewed the project and all the work that has been done and we are really happy with the final result. Also, topics like management, reporting, evaluation, have been covered. Lastly, they developed a plan for the dissemination after the project and how to keep the project active after the end. Also, we participated at the “International STEM conference”. We are really hoping that one ending will become another beginning and we all will meet again to continue improving STEM education! Thank you to all partners for this collaboration!