BETI team together

67 Projects

UPSkilling Coaches
2024 - 2026
The UPSkilling Coaches project empowers female coaches in minority sports across Europe. It enhances skills, inclusivity, and employability through innovative training, an e-learning toolbox, and a European coaching network.
Project name
UPSkilling Coaches: A New Methodology to Empower Female Coaches
About the project
The UPSkilling Coaches project is a transformative initiative aimed at empowering female coaches in minority sports across Europe. By introducing innovative training tools, including an e-learning toolbox and a structured coaching methodology, the project enhances coaching quality, employability, and inclusivity. Spanning four countries—Italy, Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Hungary—it addresses gender disparities in sports, fosters cultural inclusivity, and builds a robust European network for coaches. Through research, workshops, and awareness campaigns, UPSkilling Coaches seeks to inspire change, challenge stereotypes, and elevate the role of female coaches as leaders in their fields.
Project code
Project duration
2024 - 2026
Centro Internazionale Per La Promozione Dell`educazione E Lo Sviluppo Associazione
Project objectives
Project Goals:
- Enhance Coaching Skills
- Promote Gender Equality
- Build a European Network
- Empower Future Leaders
- Raise Awareness
- Foster Cultural Inclusivity
- Improve Employability

2024 - 2025
The CLIMPs project supports Industrial Manufacturing Platforms in Türkiye and Lithuania in adapting to climate change and reducing carbon footprints. By creating a Climate Change Action Plan aligned with the EU’s Green Deal, CLIMPs promotes sustainable practices and resilience in the industrial sector.
Project name
CLIMPs - Twinning for 2030 Climate Change Action Plan Model in Industrial Manufacturing Platforms
About the project
The CLIMPs project aims to enhance the capacity of Industrial Manufacturing Platforms (IMPs) in Türkiye and Lithuania to adapt to climate change and reduce their carbon footprint. By developing a tailored Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) model, the project seeks to align local industrial practices with the EU’s Green Deal objectives. Through targeted surveys, knowledge exchange, and the identification of good practices, CLIMPs will foster sustainable development and resilience in the industrial sector. The project engages key stakeholders—including IMPs, decision makers, and youth associations—to ensure a comprehensive approach to climate change adaptation, benefiting both the environment and the economy in the partner regions.
Project code
Project duration
2024 - 2025
Kocaeli Department of Investment Monitoring and Coordination
Mazeikiai District Municipality
Kocaeli Chamber of Industry
Project objectives
- Develop a Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) Model: Create a tailored CCAP model for Industrial Manufacturing Platforms (IMPs) in Türkiye and Lithuania that aligns with the EU’s Green Deal, promoting sustainable practices and reducing carbon footprints.
- Enhance Climate Change Adaptation: Support IMPs in improving their resilience to climate change through targeted strategies, risk assessments, and the adoption of climate-resilient infrastructure and practices.
- Foster Knowledge Exchange: Facilitate the sharing of successful practices and lessons learned between IMPs, decision makers, and youth in Türkiye and Lithuania to encourage mutual learning and collaboration on climate change initiatives.
- Engage Key Stakeholders: Involve IMPs, local decision makers, and youth associations in the development and implementation of the CCAP model, ensuring that diverse perspectives are considered in climate action planning.
- Align Local Actions with EU’s Green Deal: Ensure that the project’s activities and outcomes are in line with the EU’s Green Deal objectives, contributing to the broader goal of a sustainable and climate-resilient European economy.

2024 - 2028
The project enhances skills for professionals working with incarcerated individuals, promoting collaboration and continuous learning. We establish vocational excellence centers to provide practical training and community-led solutions, supported by European prison administrations. This initiative aims to transform rehabilitation and reintegration efforts with personalized training and micro-credentials.
Project name
Integruoto profesinio tobulėjimo skatinimas įkalinimo įstaigų specialistams, siekiant profesinio meistriškumo nuskaltusių asmenų reintegracijos srityje
About the project
The project aims to create transformative learning experiences for professionals serving individuals in prison by focusing on upskilling and fostering collaboration. Over a decade of international cooperation has highlighted the need for specific skill sets to support the reintegration of convicted persons. We address political and economic challenges that have segregated knowledge and restricted access to professional development.
We bring together diverse professionals, including educators, mental health practitioners, and vocational trainers, to enhance rehabilitation and reintegration efforts. By fostering continuous learning and empathy, we aim to make a lasting impact on incarcerated individuals and transform the prison system.
Our project establishes centers of vocational excellence to democratize access to practical skills and promote participatory research and community-led solutions. This approach bridges gaps between different employment settings and levels of education, fostering innovation and a holistic understanding of criminal justice challenges.
Supported by prison administrations across Europe, we recognize prior learning, build personalized learning experiences, provide micro-credentials, and support a sustainable methodology. This ensures ongoing upskilling and sets a new standard for professional training in the correctional sector.
Project code
Project duration
2024 - 2028
Penitenciarul Timisoara
Centro Internazionale Per La Promozione Dell`educazione E Lo Sviluppo Associazione
Qualify Just - It Solutions And Consulting Lda
Bremen Senate Of Justice And Constitution
Fachhochschule Koblenz, Rheinahrcampus Remagen, University Of Applied Sciences
Adalet Bakanligi
Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia
Ebsi ( Uk) Limited
I And F Education And Development Limited
Ecdl Ireland Ltd.
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi
Scoala Nationala de studii politice si administrative
Lietuvos kalėjimų tarnyba
Interchange Non-Profit gUG
Skilllab BV
European Basic Skills Network
Fængselsforbundet (Danish Prison Officers Union)
Project objectives
Objective 1: Needs assessment and stakeholder involvement
Objective 2: In-service training system and dissemination of PROMOTE methodology
Objective 3: Establishment of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE)
Objective 4: Comprehensive education programmes
Objective 5: Assessment and recognition of learning pathways
Objective 6: Effective dissemination and exploitation strategies
Objective 7: Increase the impact and sustainability of the project

2023 - 2026
The project revolutionizes sustainability education through interdisciplinary integration, educator training, immersive field trips, and comprehensive assessment tools, aiming to cultivate environmentally conscious individuals.
Project website linkProject name
TRAVEL - Training Roadmaps to Access Virtual Environmental Learning
About the project
The project aims to revolutionize sustainability education by integrating environmental topics across school subjects, providing professional development for educators, immersive virtual field trips to Biosphere Reserves, and comprehensive assessment tools. By fostering a holistic approach within the school community and promoting global collaboration, it seeks to cultivate environmentally conscious individuals equipped to address environmental challenges.
Project code
Project duration
2023 - 2026
ANTARES Company for Organizational Systems Development a r
Indepcie SCA
Piero della Francesca annexa Boarding School
Colegio Séneca S.C.A.
Kauno r. Domeikavos gimnazija
Zespół Szkół ekonomiczno Ogólnokształcącyc h we Wrocławiu
Project objectives
1. Focus on Sustainability Education using Environmental Education as a trans-curricular theme, complementary to the technical-scientific school subjects.
2. Provide a professional development to teachers and non-teaching staff regarding sustainability, especially environmental, following a Whole-School Approach.
3. Equip teachers with assessment tools to evaluate competencies, knowledge, values and behavior linked with environmental sustainability.

2023 - 2026
Empowering rural communities through digital entrepreneurship, the DigiBoost project focuses on key priorities like inclusive learning, digital transformation, and diversity. We provide comprehensive education and resources to equip individuals with the skills needed for the digital economy, fostering entrepreneurship and innovation. Join us in creating sustainable businesses, boosting employment, and contributing to economic growth in underserved regions.
Project website linkProject name
DigiBoost: Empowering Rural Communities with Digital Entrepreneurship to Boost Local Economies
About the project
Embarking on a mission to empower marginalized communities in rural areas, the DigiBoost project is committed to fostering sustainable development through digital entrepreneurship. Aligned with key priorities such as creating inclusive learning opportunities, addressing digital transformation, and promoting diversity, our initiative equips individuals with the skills needed to navigate the digital economy. By providing comprehensive education, mentorship, and resources, we aim to cultivate entrepreneurship, stimulate technology adoption, and ignite innovative business ideas. Our goal is to not only create sustainable businesses and employment opportunities but also to contribute to economic growth and social cohesion in the regions we serve. Join us in building a more equitable society where everyone, regardless of background, can thrive in the digital era.
Project code
Project duration
2023 - 2026
Antalya Bilim Universitesi
Federacion Provincial De Asociaciones De Personas Con Discapacidad Fisica Y Organica De Sevilla
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Pmi Services Soc. Coop. arl.
Atabey Halk Egitimi Merkezi Mudurlugu
Project objectives
The objectives of the project are to promote digital entrepreneurship in rural areas by providing education, mentorship, and resources to disadvantaged individuals. The aim is to develop their entrepreneurship skills, increase technology use, encourage innovative business ideas, create employment opportunities, and strengthen communities. The concrete results include establishing sustainable businesses, increasing employability, promoting economic development, and improving social cohesion.

Think Twice
2023 - 2025
The Think Twice project supports the formal education system by enhancing media and digital literacy. It targets educators, including future teachers, learners of various ages, education decision-makers, and communities. The project aims to provide practical tools, training opportunities, and policy recommendations to address the evolving landscape of learning and communication. Additionally, it includes a social media campaign to raise awareness about disinformation and misinformation.
Project website linkProject name
Think Twice: Supporting the Development of Media Literacy in Education
About the project
The Think Twice project aims to support the formal education system by addressing the evolving ways of learning and communication. It focuses on developing the competence of learners and educators, enhancing the capacity of education providers, and providing policy recommendations related to media and digital literacy in education. The project targets educators in formal learning settings, including primary, secondary, and adult education, as well as university students preparing to become teachers. Additionally, it directly reaches out to learners of different age groups (8-12, teens, and adults) to offer practical tools for media literacy. The project also aims to influence education decision-makers at institutional and regional/national levels and raise awareness in communities through a social media campaign about disinformation and misinformation.
Project code
Project duration
2023 - 2025
Ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih dante
Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Mentortec servicos de apoio a projectos tecnologicos sa
The rural hub company limited by guarantee (TRH)
Inspectoratul scolar judetean timis (ISJ Timis)
Odyssea amke (LIFE-ODYSSEA)
Project objectives
The project aims to:
Enhance competence development for learners and educators in media and digital literacy.
Build the capacity of education providers to adapt to rapid changes in learning and communication.
Provide quality training opportunities for future teachers (university students) on integrating media literacy into education.
Address the needs of learners of different age groups (8-12, teens, adults) by offering practical tools for media literacy development.
Influence education decision-makers at both institutional and regional/national levels through policy recommendations.
Conduct a social media campaign to raise awareness about disinformation and misinformation in communities.

2023 - 2025
The project supports digital transformation planning and implementation in current systems. It also helps creating digital content and pedagogical practices. By means of this project, the university student representatives (reps) and future leaders will able to improve new learning and teaching methods.
Project website linkProject name
21st Century Digital Pedagogies for Building Better and Sustainable Development in Higher Education
About the project
The project supports digital transformation planning and implementation in current systems. It also helps creating digital content and pedagogical practices. By means of this project, the university student representatives (reps) and future leaders will able to improve new learning and teaching methods.
The target groups of the project is the representative of student associations/clubs/centers/classes /faculties/universities at the university. In the partner countries, the deficiency of digital pedagogy results in important problems. This target group will be the ambassadors of the future. These representatives will be the managers or leaders of many large and small companies or NGOs in the future. Because of this, the project has been designated as interdisciplinary at the European level. All of the partners have worked and experienced in educational technology and educational sciences. They all think that the significance of digital pedagogy is increasing.
Project code
Project duration
2023 - 2025
Scoala Nationala de studii politice si administrative
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi
Latvijas Universitate
University of Macedonia
Project objectives
The purpose of this project is to develop digital pedagogy competencies of university students through Developing innovative modular digital pedagogy curriculum , Creating teaching and learning e- platform and Preparing scenario-based visual digital pedagogy guide. The representative of student associations/clubs/centers/classes of universities and university students will use more effective teaching and learning techniques in distance education activities.

2023 - 2026
Digit2Me project is aimed to help address the social, emotional, and practical needs of vulnerable young people in rural areas, particularly those with disabilities, by providing them with a caring and supportive adult role model who can offer guidance and encouragement.
Project website linkProject name
Digital mentoring for young people with disabilities in rural areas: Improving skills for an independent living; Improving my future
About the project
Digit2Me project is aimed to help address the social, emotional, and practical needs of vulnerable young people in rural areas, particularly those with disabilities, by providing them with a caring and supportive adult role model who can offer guidance and encouragement.
For youth professionals and young mentors participating in our project activities, Digit2Me can address to connect with young people in remote areas and provide them with the support they need to thrive; individualised support that can be tailored to the specific needs of each young person. This can help youth professionals better support YPD by providing targeted guidance and support. In addition, the project are effective for fostering social connections: helping young people build meaningful connections with mentors and other young people, fostering a sense of community and belonging.
Project code
Project duration
2023 - 2026
Federacion Provincial De Asociaciones De Personas Con Discapacidad Fisica Y Organica De Sevilla
Consorzio Cooperative Sociali Sgs Servizi Globali Sociosanitari
Ländliche Erwachsenenbildung Thüringen E.V.
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Antalya Bilim Universitesi
Project objectives
Digit2Me project aims to:
• Create a comprehensive curriculum and other pedagogical tools for digital mentoring for vulnerable young people living in rural areas.
• Promote their social inclusion and transition to independent living as active members of the rural communities where they live, having in mind, the most vulnerable group among them; young people with disabilities(YPD).
• Address some of the challenges that YPD face in rural areas, such as limited access to education and employment.

2023 - 2025
Through this project, partners are planning to reduce the anxiety levels of primary school students in mathematics lessons with innovative teaching methods and techniques. Robotic applications will be used in math lectures to make abstract concepts concrete and capitalize on the interest of children in this age group. They will love the math lesson with robotics applications, their self-confidence will increase and they will be interested in STEM in the future.
Project website linkProject name
Anxiety Free Mathematics Education with Robotic Applications in Blended Learning
About the project
Through this project, we are planning to reduce the anxiety levels of primary school students in mathematics lessons with innovative teaching methods and techniques. Robotic applications will be used in math lectures to make abstract concepts concrete and capitalize on the interest of children in this age group. They will love the math lesson with robotics applications, their self-confidence will increase and they will be interested in STEM in the future.
Teacher candidates will be taught how to reduce math anxiety in primary school students with robotic applications through blended education. The modular curriculum, video platform and visual teacher guide will create a rich content teaching materials in reducing the math anxiety and it will be open to everyone. The research outputs will contribute to the development of robotic applications and blended applications in digital education.
Project code
Project duration
2023 - 2025
Latvijas Universitate
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi
Uniwersytet Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego W Warszawie
South-West University Neofit Rilski
Project objectives
The project will develop three main connected research outputs. The partners will develop Robotics based Modular Curriculum for Blending Education which will provide a scientific infrastructure for teacher candidates. Secondly, Robotics productions will be prepared and uploaded to the platform. Then, a visual teacher guide will be prepared to support preservice teachers and teachers. In order to achieve the project objectives, three will be seminars, workshops ,conference, pilot study etc.

Green Manuals
2023 - 2025
Green Manuals, as a development project, aims to create innovative open education resources by speeding up the solutions for digital education through methodological elaboration based on a data decomposition approach.
Project website linkProject name
Green growth, climate change and sustainable development
About the project
Green Manuals, as a development project, aims to create innovative open education resources by speeding up the solutions for digital education through methodological elaboration based on a data decomposition approach. Thus, the project\'s objective is to build a curriculum for digital manual development adapted to diverse adult educators\' needs in comprehensive adult education, as transitioning to digital manuals allows for reducing ink and paper consumption which leads to a decrease in both costs and environmental impact.
Project code
Project duration
2023 - 2025
Equality Centre
Project objectives
The project\'s main aim is to create innovative open education resources by speeding up the solutions for digital education through methodological elaboration based on a data decomposition approach. Thus, the project\'s objective is to build a curriculum for digital manual\' development adapted to diverse adult educators\' needs in comprehensive adult education. The innovative element is the possibility to mediate the visual perception in Manuals through adaptable interpretation processes, providing a fruitful alternative to the analytical standpoint of paper format Manuals while reducing landfill waste significantly. Therefore, participants will upgrade their acquiring sustainability competencies to focus beyond the individual level of analysis, design innovative open education resources, and integrate them into adult teaching or training. Furthermore, the partnership promotes institutional empowerment by collectively revalorizing existing learning methods relevant to local contexts – to the green transition through design thinking and co-design activities, encouraging result dissemination and exploitation among adult educational institutions.

2023 - 2024
From 2024, in Lithuania a reform starts about inclusive education and the preparation starts now, we need to have material ready and teachers prepared as soon as possible. So, we could avoid catastrophe that we faced when the covid pandemic hit and the teachers and schools were not ready to provide online education, even though the digital tools were around us for a long time.
Project website linkProject name
Online courses for teachers to create an inclusive classroom environment
About the project
The project’s aims at helping and educating teachers on how to create an inclusive classroom that will set the foundation of understanding people differences and that people cannot be excluded just for the differences they have from the majority or what most people understand as “normal people”. It is important to start educating children from a young age and to make younger generations more acceptive and skilled to communicate and work with people of different profiles.
Project code
Project duration
2023 - 2024
Nacionalinė Distancinio Mokymo Asociacija
Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
The main project objectives that it is eager to reach:
1. Capitalized attention to creating acceptable community in a classroom
2. Educate and teach children of the people differences
3. Improve children with different profiles inclusivity in a classroom
4. Give “different” children an opportunity to become a valuable member of community, create relationships and gain skills
5. Raise students’ awareness about diversity in people
6. Set the foundation for this generation to not divide people by their differences
7. Reduce bullying, discrimination
8. Promote that everyone deserves an equal education
9. Remove the entrenched barrier between the “normal” student and different culture or differently abled ones
10. Provide teachers with a material/tool that will help to identify strengths and weaknesses of different students
11. Teach children how to communicate with variety of different profile students that they face in a classroom
12. Raise awareness about teachers’ mental health and stress they fell when working with the variety of different children and where to find the help when they can feel too much stress.

2022 - 2024
The use of AR in education can transform the school environment into a more technology-friendly one, with a bigger variety of opportunities for learning for schoolchildren. According to researchers the use of AR can increase the level of participation, understanding, and learning, three key elements of all educational systems’ targets.
Project website linkProject name
smARt - augmented reality technology adaptation in schools
About the project
The EU is facing a STEM skills crisis. These skills are important for a range of industries from manufacturing to the arts. The supply of candidates into engineering (and more broadly STEM) occupations are not keeping pace with demand. There are many reasons: poor perceptions and lack of interest in engineering and science jobs, low attainment and progression in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects at school, further and higher education, to young people making career choices outside of engineering occupations. Young people are increasingly disengaged from STEM which manifests itself in reducing enrolments in courses in those STEM subjects which will be critical to future economic growth. Augmented reality is a 3D technology that merges the physical and digital worlds in real-time.
Project code
Project duration
2022 - 2024
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Centro Internazionale Per La Promozione Dell`educazione E Lo Sviluppo Associazione
Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia
I And F Education And Development Limited
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi
Project objectives
The specific aims of the project are:
1. To increase schoolchildren\'s participation and interest in STEM subjects
2. To raise awareness and draw attention to technology use importance in schools at local, national, and international levels.
3. To increase the quality of the educational process of schoolchildren and teachers
4. To provide proper tools to schoolchildren and teachers
5. To create and promote tools and guides for local and Europe-wide usage to assist in the school shift toward digitalization
6. To increase the quality of the school education in the countries involved
7. To increase the cooperation among European different entities working in the field of education and technology development.
8. To establish cooperation and partnership at the European level.
9. To develop and to promote STEM competencies for schoolchildren
10. To promote a European up-skills pathway, carried out in different countries for using augmented reality in different spheres
11. To increase the quality of the technological knowledge of the partners involved and their stakeholders
12. To promote a lifelong upgrade of competencies by teachers in the technological field

Delta at work
2022 - 2024
The intention of the partnership is to develop a training programme in these four main areas: Cognitive, Interpersonal, Self-leadership, Digital. Perhaps for the first time, they look balanced (focusing on human skills, but not forgetting digital ones) and also subdivided in 56 foundational skills that will help citizens thrive in their future work.
Project website linkProject name
Distinct elements of talent at the workplace
About the project
The intention of the partnership is to develop a training programme in these four main areas: Cognitive, Interpersonal, Self-leadership, Digital. Perhaps for the first time, they look balanced (focusing on human skills, but not forgetting digital ones) and also subdivided in 56 foundational skills that will help citizens thrive in their future work. These are distinct elements of talent (DELTAs) that fall within these skills groups. This is why they are called DELTAs, rather than skills, because they are a mix of skills and attitudes.
Raising proficiency in the DELTAs would therefore require continuous adult training, but also the curricula of adult-training courses may also have to change. The risk for workers who do not master these distinct elements of talent is to be left out of the new labour market trends. This can affect both new generations entering the market with a strong technical background but little mastery of soft skills, as well as active workers who, without specific training, have been caught up in a trend that values skills for which they have not been trained.
Project code
Project duration
2022 - 2024
HeurekaNet - Freies Institut für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation e.V.
I And F Education And Development Limited
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
Indepcie SCA
Project objectives
The main objectives of this project are as follows:
- Identifying actual job skills.
- Comparing them with the DELTAs described by McKinsey and supported by the WEF.
- Identifying how those DELTAs affect professional daily performance.
- Detecting dangers and opportunities of those DELTAs in the training/acquisition process and in the stability of jobs in mid-term.
- Measure and evaluation of the level of demanded DELTAs.
- Development of non-presential materials based on e-learning and audiovisual resources.

2021 - 2023
This project aims to bring together faculty members working in the field of digital pedagology and transfer the applications in education pedagology to digital education pedagology. This project aims to eliminate the deficiency in this subject by providing candidates and teachers in the education faculty with a digital pedacology skill.
Project website linkProject name
Upskilling Digital Pedagogy for Teachers and Future Teachers
About the project
In this project, by applying intellectual outputs, meetings, multiple events, and other activities, it is planned to transform the pedagological methods and techniques to digital pedagogic methods and techniques and provide a a digital guide so that how to implement the digital pedagogy in distance education. Prospective teachers and teachers will gain the digital pedagogy skills. Thus, prospective teachers will be successful in teaching learning outcomes to students by applying digital pedagology in distance education practices in their schools. Besides, there will be a radical change for the future in educational sciences.
Project code
Project duration
2021 - 2023
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi
Helsingin Yliopisto
Project objectives
The objectives of this project are as follows:
- Enhancing capacity building of prospective students in the departments of education and enabling them to excel in learning.
- Promoting digital pedagogy for better cognitive and implementative skills of students in departments of education.
- Investing in innovative approaches such as teaching methodologies and techniques and contributing to the development of learning outcomes.

2021 - 2024
The aim of this project is to develop innovative methods and techniques to reduce the mathematics anxiety of primary school students, make learning this subject fun by employing robotics applications.
Project website linkProject name
Blended Learning to Increase Math Success through Robotic Applications
About the project
Through the research outputs developed in this project, it was aimed to reduce the mathematics anxiety of primary school students. Pre-service teachers in education faculties will be taught to teach mathematics in a fun way by employing robotics applications. Professional development will be contributed through the scenario-based video library and e-book that can be developed while studying and after graduation. 3 intellectual outputs will be created to reduce students\\\' math anxiety:
- A modular curriculum designed with blended learning approach including step-by-step hands-on learning practices and the use of online learning materials in primary schools.
- A virtual video library including scenario-based learning/teaching activities for the use of robotics in mathematics education in primary schools.
- E-Book of applying robotics application on math education through blended education.
Project code
Project duration
2021 - 2024
Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi
Latvijas Universitate
Project objectives
The main objectives of this project are as follows:
- To develop innovative methods and techniques to reduce math anxiety in primary schools.
- Increasing pre-service teachers\\\' awareness of educational practices that will eliminate math anxiety.
- To reduce the problems that prospective teachers will encounter in the future.
- To create an easy-to-learn and easy-to-teach scenario-based library of robotics applications in mathematics teaching.
- To create a reference book that explains robotics applications in mathematics teaching, which prospective teachers and teachers will always benefit from in blended education.
- To make elementary school students want to work in science fields in the future.
- To give students innovative and creative thinking skills.

2022 - 2023
WOMEN4IT: Innovative Solutions to increase the numbers of EU vulnerable girls and young women into the digital agenda. The main objective of the project is to develop the digital competences of young women at risk of exclusion from the labour market, thereby improving their employability.
Project website linkProject name
WOMEN4IT: Innovative Solutions to increase the numbers of EU vulnerable girls and young women into the digital agenda
About the project
WOMEN4IT examines the structure of a transforming digital labor market with fewer women than men. Without proper attention, this digital divide will widen and only exacerbate the problems of gender inequality.
Areas of activity:
- Research and identification of unfilled categories of digital works
- Raising the awareness of young women to improve their digital competences and career choices in ICT.
- Profiling tool and methodology
- Profiling of 1000 young women
- Analysis of missing skills and competencies
- Development of training plans
- Individual learning plans for young women have been developed with employers
- Recruitment of young women
- Dissemination of project activities and results
- Sustainability plan for results
The project will be implemented in 7 countries: Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania and Spain. Partners from Norway (“European Center for Women and Technology“) and Belgium (“Digital Europe“) will contribute to the implementation of the program, drawing on their many years of experience in working in the field of ICT for women. Initially, the project results will be used by the target group of the project - 700 young women. They will be given a formal education. Later, the innovative results of the project will be publicly available and available to all young people. The planned employment of young women will also benefit other groups of young people, labor market stakeholders such as employers, training providers, communities and non-governmental organizations.
Precise research and the contribution of job-seeking employers to the project will ensure sustainable long-term processes and tools. New acquaintances and adaptability of the participants will help to create sustainability by sharing good practices in different areas with different groups of people.
Project code
Project duration
2022 - 2023
EEA - Norway Financial Mechanism
Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association
Creative Thinking Development
Fundația Eos – Educating For An Open Society
Cranfield University
Ecdl Ireland Ltd.
European Centre For Women And Technology
Malta Communications Authority
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
The main objective of the project is to develop the digital competences of young women at risk of exclusion from the labour market, thereby improving their employability.

2021 - 2023
The main aim of this project is to foster a more contemporary OSH education culture among Europe and therefore, to prioritize opportunities for authentic education through the curriculum and the learning environment placed in the context of real-life situations by creating opportunities to intervene the visual perception of a temporally or spatially distant real environment to a learner being at another location.
Project website linkProject name
Time for Immersive Telepresence
About the project
The project seeks to support active OSH and educational experts`, SMEs and young workers` and OSH learners` participation, promote digital education, promote awareness-raising of the importance of OSH education today and its connection to the labour market and educate the national society on the significance of working place safety culture development. The project seeks to provide OSH educators with the opportunity to conduct realistic virtual practical training even if the training facility is not reachable.
Moreover, the project seeks to foster learners with a promoted sense of being in the centre of their learning provided by flexible and authentic learning facility by creating opportunities for project participants to practice in an inclusive learning environment.
OSH experts, educational experts and methodologists, experts of training program digitalization, experts committed to the promotion of SMEs will be involved in Intellectual Outputs development for high-quality as the result of Time4IT is cross-sectoral and could be exported to other educational sectors (higher education, scholar, youth and adult education) as OSH education needs to be implemented in the core subjects and learning objectives in all educational levels.
Project code
Project duration
2021 - 2023
Macibu centrs “EVA-93“
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
The main aim of this project is to foster a more contemporary OSH education culture among Europe and therefore, to prioritize opportunities for authentic education through the curriculum and the learning environment placed in the context of real-life situations by creating opportunities to intervene the visual perception of a temporally or spatially distant real environment to a learner being at another location.

2021 - 2023
The aim of the project is to give teachers and workshop mentors the opportunity to implement high-quality educational situations by identifying the practical content of the digital environment as a response to COVID-19 and any future challenges that may make contact sessions impossible.
Project website linkProject name
DIGIHiQVET: Didactical and digital skills for teachers to provide high quality online practical VET
About the project
As part of the DIGIHiQVET project, we aim to create, implement and evaluate free access, innovative and high-quality online training for practical activities. The training will help teachers to improve as they will be able to use their knowledge, skills and competences to work with pupils. The aim of the project is to give teachers and workshop mentors the opportunity to implement high-quality educational situations by identifying the practical content of the digital environment as a response to COVID-19 and any future challenges that may make contact sessions impossible.
Project code
Project duration
2021 - 2023
Biotehniski Center Naklo
Stredna odborna skola Pruske 294
Shipcon Limassol Limited
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
- Improvement of pedagogical and digital knowledge, skills and competences of teachers and mentors and implementation of practical content in the field of distance learning, so that distance learning activities are equally effective and of similar quality as traditional ones.
- Promotion of non-formal vocational distance learning for teachers and mentors, which is available anywhere and anytime.
- Improve distance learning, focusing on workshops for all students, including those with learning difficulties, or students from disadvantaged groups.
- Greater flexibility in practical classrooms and their successful inclusion in: forms of distance learning, hybrid classes or use during the teacher change period.
- The main focus group of the DIGIHiQVET project is practical content teachers and mentors in vocational training, while the second target group consists of school leaders, politicians, employers, practical class organisers, adult educators and others. Teachers. The beneficiaries of the project are students involved in vocational training processes as well as other students and adults with lifelong learning.

2020 - 2022
The aim of the 3D4elderly project is to develop innovative learning methods that will increase the quality of work of nurses and staff working with alzheimer`s disease and elderly people with dementia, as well as increase patients` quality of life through the use of 3D technologies.
Project website linkProject name
3D4elderly: 3D printing to create innovative learning pathways for caregivers and staff members dealing with people with Alzheimer and elderly people with dementia
About the project
The aim of the 3D4elderly project is to develop innovative learning methods that will increase the quality of work of nurses and staff working with alzheimer`s disease and elderly people with dementia, as well as increase patients` quality of life through the use of 3D technologies.
Project code
Project duration
2020 - 2022
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Centro Internazionale Per La Promozione Dell`educazione E Lo Sviluppo Associazione
Гражданско Сдружение Алцхаймер България
Project objectives
To achieve the project`s objectives, the consortium defined the following intellectual results:
- IO1: Guidelines for supervisors on the use of 3D printing.
- IO2: a set of memory exercises developed using 3D printing to help people with Alzheimer`s disease and the elderly with dementia.
- IO3: an online platform to publish exercises developed with 3D printing technology for use by people with Alzheimer`s disease and dementia.
- IO5: Methodological Guideline (a guide to therapy) to help improve memory in Alzheimer`s and early dementia patients is available to all Alzheimer`s centres.

2020 - 2022
The main idea of the project is to create a network of 7 educational centers for pupils from 13 to 19 years old. The project aims to provide more opportunities for creative and entrepreneurial students and the learning community by creating inspiring work spaces, increasing key competencies and organizing educational and social events and providing personalized services to help members improve.
Project name
SAPPHIRE: STEM Education Platform
About the project
The main idea of the project is to create a network of 7 educational centers for pupils from 13 to 19 years old. The project aims to provide more opportunities for creative and entrepreneurial students and the learning community by creating inspiring work spaces, increasing key competencies and organizing educational and social events and providing personalized services to help members improve.
Project code
Project duration
2020 - 2022
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
High School Of Mathematics Academician Kiril Popov
Istituto Europeo Per Lo Sviluppo Socio Economico Associazione
Institute For Technology Transfer And Innovations
Virtual Campus Lda
Creative Thinking Development
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
The aim of our project is to create an innovative STEM knowledge platform in which we will implement digital tools to achieve the goals of teaching and self-learning. The platform will encourage students to take an interest in STEM competencies and link further studies to science. In the meantime, teachers will be able to gain experience from good practices in other European countries, learn how to apply new digital tools in the subjects taught and motivate students to deepen STEM knowledge.

2020 - 2023
The main objective of the network for the social inclusion of persons with disabilities in rural areas of the EU through the Mentoring and Leadership Training Programme (EU-RUDISNET) is to create a European network for the social integration of people with disabilities by developing and implementing an innovative programme to promote cooperation and the formation of civic partnerships in rural areas.
Project website linkProject name
RUDISNET: Network for social inclusion of people with disabilities in The EU rural areas through mentoring and leadership training program
About the project
The main objective of the network for the social inclusion of persons with disabilities in rural areas of the EU through the Mentoring and Leadership Training Programme (EU-RUDISNET) is to create a European network for the social integration of people with disabilities by developing and implementing an innovative programme to promote cooperation and the formation of civic partnerships in rural areas. This network will train adults with disabilities, thus contributing to their integration in rural areas, as they face fewer opportunities and lack information due to double discrimination.
Project code
Project duration
2020 - 2023
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Federacion Provincial De Asociaciones De Personas Con Discapacidad Fisica Y Organica De Sevilla
Consorzio Cooperative Sociali Sgs Servizi Globali Sociosanitari
Ländliche Erwachsenenbildung Thüringen E.V.
Istanbul Gelisim Universitesi
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
- Increase individually and collectively the self-confidence and integration of people with disabilities in rural areas.
- Identify existing needs for people with disabilities living in rural areas and the lack of information on social resources and other opportunities for these citizens, recognise their training needs in terms of leadership and civic participation in each region covered by the programme.
- Identify best practices for the social inclusion of people with disabilities in rural areas, developed in each European region covered by this project.
- Stress the importance of training and developing leadership and other skills for people with disabilities, bearing in mind that it must be an empowerment process that enables a person to acquire skills by promoting cooperation and leadership in the formation of civil partnerships. This process is a means of defending their rights and removing obstacles that hinder their social inclusion.
- Develop an innovative international training course for people working in adult education for people with disabilities. This will allow the creation of new content for the development of leadership, leadership and other soft skills so that these people with disabilities in rural areas can also be active members of society as a whole.
- Implement training courses to develop leadership and other soft skills competences, thus developing methods for people with disabilities from rural areas.
- Publicise results, training and tools at national and international level.

2019 - 2022
The main objective of this project is to expand and develop the self-learning platform to improve adult education in the six partner countries of the project. It promotes a sense of belonging among adult learners at high risk of exclusion, such as the unemployed, who are able to practice entrepreneurial competences in a learning environment that naturally promotes self-confidence and resilience.
Project website linkProject name
E365: Entrepreneurship in 365 days
About the project
As part of the development of the E365 project, the project partners aim to develop educational opportunities based on the need to extend second-guessing competences (through related skills) and to foster a more favourable entrepreneurial culture in the EUROPEAN Union, using the results of the E365 project. The aim is to highlight the potential of entrepreneurship in the process of economic contribution, innovation and job creation.
According to the priorities chosen, the E365 project aims to facilitate the empowerment of adult learners and learners who are most vulnerable or at risk of exclusion in social and professional life by developing critical thinking, reflexivity and self-assessment skills and other skills needed to develop entrepreneurial competences among low-skilled adults.
Project code
Project duration
2019 - 2022
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Macibu centrs “EVA-93“
Institute Of Entrepreneurship Development
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna W Lodzi
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
The main objective of this project is to expand and develop the self-learning platform to improve adult education in the six partner countries of the project. It promotes a sense of belonging among adult learners at high risk of exclusion, such as the unemployed, who are able to practice entrepreneurial competences in a learning environment that naturally promotes self-confidence and resilience.

2019 - 2022
The aim of the project is to create a training programme that will provide farmers with the knowledge, skills and competences needed to start their dairy processing assistance activities on the farm. In order to ensure the sustainability of small farms, all rural areas, farmers will be provided with the knowledge and skills needed to diversify their farms so that they are independent of only one source of income.
Project website linkProject name
MILK-ed: Modern and Innovative Online -Based Know How on European Diary Processing
About the project
Recently, the need for professional knowledge of milk processing has increased, and this has been observed in each of the participating countries. The growing demand for training/education in milk production mainly comes from farmers and their family members who are interested in processing milk on the farm to a lesser extent. This trend is mainly due to the fact that milk prices have fallen so sharply in recent decades that farmers are unable to cover production costs, and the only way to keep their farm alive is to add value to their products when processing milk into dairy products.
Project code
Project duration
2019 - 2022
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Biotehniski Center Naklo
Union De Agricultores Y Ganaderos-Jovenes Agricultores De Jaén
Istituto D`istruzione Superiore Ciuffelli - Einaudi
Univerzitet U Novom Sadu
Veleuciliste U Karlovcu
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
The aim of the project is to create a training programme that will provide farmers with the knowledge, skills and competences needed to start their dairy processing assistance activities on the farm. In order to ensure the sustainability of small farms, all rural areas, farmers will be provided with the knowledge and skills needed to diversify their farms so that they are independent of only one source of income.

2020 - 2022
This project examines potential career adjustments in the justice system from the results of studies foreseen in the 7 pilot countries from European and international excellence. The distinctive features of this project are the three levels of research (professions, organisations and policies) and the application of a participatory approach that enables interaction and learning.
Project website linkProject name
CCJ4Career: European Career Counselling Guidelines for Staff Working in Criminal Correctional Justice System
About the project
This project examines potential career adjustments in the justice system from the results of studies foreseen in the 7 pilot countries from European and international excellence. The distinctive features of this project are the three levels of research (professions, organisations and policies) and the application of a participatory approach that enables interaction and learning. The aggregated results are presented as one profession (prison security staff) and the system as a whole. By explaining some of the problems and challenges facing the criminal correctional justice system, we also demonstrate the purpose and potential of such an insight in researching policy and strategy. This project focuses on the appropriateness of an approach to strategic development, public policy evaluation and, more broadly, a knowledge-building tool. This project is about good prison management in times of change, the main pillars of which are career guidance and innovation.
Project code
Project duration
2020 - 2022
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia
Qualify Just - It Solutions And Consulting Lda
Bremen Senate Of Justice And Constitution
Adalet Bakanligi
Penitenciarul Timisoara
Sindicatul National Al Politistilorde Penitenciare
York Associates International Limited
Stichting Foundation Icpa Office In Europe
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives

2019 - 2021
The main objective of the project is to develop/improve the skills of “Problem Solving in Rich Technologies“, when the latest PIAAC study showed that this is a low level for adults. At the same time, this skill is essential for the successful performance of current and future professions, as well as for successful work in everyday activities.
Project website linkProject name
SkillUpgame: Improving “Problem solving in technology-rich environments” skill of low-skilled adults with gamification, serious games and LARP
About the project
There are millions of people in Europe who do not have proper reading and writing, numeracy and digital skills. A 2014-2015 PIAAC survey found that 1 in 4 Europeans struggle with simple counting. In addition, the survey showed that the distribution of skills also has a significant impact on the distribution of benefits of economic growth in societies. With the start of the 4th Industrial Revolution in Europe, the need for high-level skills and skills such as critical and innovative thinking, entrepreneurship, creativity is increasing. There are regular concerns about a further deterioration in the situation of low-skilled workers in the near future, such as a decline in demand for their workforce, automation, robotisation and job relocation. Therefore, it is very important to develop basic skills for low-skilled adults, which is the basis for improving the most advanced skills needed for future professions.
Project code
Project duration
2019 - 2021
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Center Za Izobrazevanje In Kulturo Trebnje Javni Zavod
Mise HERo s.r.o.
I And F Education And Development Limited
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
The main objective of the project is to develop/improve the skills of “Problem Solving in Rich Technologies“, when the latest PIAAC study showed that this is a low level for adults. At the same time, this skill is essential for the successful performance of current and future professions, as well as for successful work in everyday activities.

2019 - 2021
The project will develop, test and use two intellectual products (IP) in close cooperation with five associated partners and transfer them to relevant stakeholder groups.
Project website linkProject name
SDGimp: Decision support system for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals on large-scale protected areas
About the project
The project will develop, test and use two intellectual products (IP) in close cooperation with five associated partners and transfer them to relevant stakeholder groups. Learning platform for sustainable development goals (IP1): The main results of IP1 are a learning platform on sustainable development objectives and the challenges of achieving them. The second intellectual product is “Decision Support Material for Sustainable Development Goals (IP2)“. It will be provided to members of municipal administrations, large-scale administrations of protected areas, regional development initiatives, land users and other entrepreneurs. It will consist of tools and instructions on how to integrate sustainable development goals into professional decision-making processes. All prepared products will be freely available to the public during and after the project.
Project code
Project duration
2019 - 2021
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Verein Fuer Landliche Strukturforschung Ev
Foderation Der Natur- Und Nationalparke Europas (Foderation Europarc) Ev
Biosphären-Vhs St. Ingbert
Biosphärenzweckverband Bliesgau
Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Informatyki I Przedsiebiorczosci W Lomzy
Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
1. Develop decision-making capacity.
2. Promote the achievement of sustainable development goals by providing high-quality learning systems and decision support materials for regional stakeholders and entrepreneurs.

2018 - 2021
The overall objective of the project is to develop and improve vocational education and training teachers with the knowledge and skills they need in order to develop and support the growth of women`s activities in the food industry. The project team will do this by creating an innovative pedagogical guide and resource tool for trainers that will allow them to create business training courses for women.
Project website linkProject name
EDUCATE TO INNOVATE - Developing and Sustaining Female Food Entrepreneurs
About the project
The project is aimed at promoting and supporting women`s activities in the food industry across Europe by introducing innovative methods of entrepreneurship education for women active in the agricultural products sector.
Project code
Project duration
2018 - 2021
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Galway-Mayo Institute Of Technology
The Polish Farm Advisory And Training Centre Not-For-Profit Sp. Z O. O.
Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
The overall objective of the project is to develop and improve vocational education and training teachers with the knowledge and skills they need in order to develop and support the growth of women`s activities in the food industry. The project team will do this by creating an innovative pedagogical guide and resource tool for trainers that will allow them to create business training courses for women.
The main objective of this project is to promote the continuous professional development of VET teachers and to develop innovative teaching methods.

40 challengers
2018 - 2020
This project aims to promote the development of soft skills for second-handers through a self-assessment tool and a catalogue of 40 innovative teaching challenges. All this will be provided through the mobile app.
Project website linkProject name
40 Challengers for Skilled Entrepreneur
About the project
This project aims to promote the development of soft skills for second-handers through a self-assessment tool and a catalogue of 40 innovative teaching challenges. All this will be provided through the mobile app. The project is designed to create a tool for second-guessers that can easily identify their soft skills – important in their business processes. The main result is a mobile app translated into 6 languages to develop the soft skills of the second responders and help to improve in the process of upskilling. The tool with “40 Learning Challenges“ will adapt to each user level from the first attempt and will try to improve the user`s skills to the optimal level.
Project code
Project duration
2018 - 2020
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships
Universidad De Cordoba
Stowarzyszenie Arid
Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia
I And F Education And Development Limited
Project objectives
- Set up 40 key soft skills for a successful second-guesser.
- Create a tool that:
- sets the soft skill level of a 40-year-old successful second-timer.
- Will provide personalized reports on the degree of development and recommendations of the basic soft skills of the second rereprener.
- Create innovative content for 40 soft skills, and customize it in a mobile app environment.
- In the mobile application to create a self-assessment tool, learning recommendations, soft skills development challenges, specify the sources of material and create a final test.
- To share the created educational results with other institutions, which could effectively use the received learning materials.

2018 - 2020
The aim of the project is to provide high-quality training materials on organic and organic agriculture, entrepreneurial skills and concrete examples of good practice and success stories of European farmers. The results of the project will focus on young and new farmers. The training programme will be developed taking into account a capacity-building approach based on appropriate, tailored, innovative and easily accessible tools that can be provided by agricultural training organisations.
Project website linkProject name
LEAN: Learning on Entrepreneurship and Agriculture for New farmers
About the project
The aim of the project is to provide high-quality training materials on organic and organic agriculture, entrepreneurial skills and concrete examples of good practice and success stories of European farmers. The results of the project will focus on young and new farmers. The training programme will be developed taking into account a capacity-building approach based on appropriate, tailored, innovative and easily accessible tools that can be provided by agricultural training organisations.
Project code
Project duration
2018 - 2020
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Vertigo Lab
Verein Fuer Landliche Strukturforschung Ev
Stowarzyszenie Arid
Institut D Enseignement Superieur Et De Recherche En Alimentation Sante Animale Sciences Agronomiques Etde L Environnement Vetagro Sup
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives

2018 - 2021
MENNET will accelerate the involvement of low-skilled and less able adults in lifelong learning and help improve skills that will facilitate integration into society. This will be achieved through training in a virtual environment where qualified teachers and trainers will apply adult learning methods and exploit the opportunities offered by digital science. Digital modules for each skill will be available free of charge on the website in 5 languages.
Project website linkProject name
MENNET: Mentoring Network for facilitating Access to Upskilling Pathways
About the project
MENNET will accelerate the involvement of low-skilled and less able adults in lifelong learning and help improve skills that will facilitate integration into society. This will be achieved through training in a virtual environment where qualified teachers and trainers will apply adult learning methods and exploit the opportunities offered by digital science. Digital modules for each skill will be available free of charge on the website in 5 languages.
Project code
Project duration
2018 - 2021
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Žmogiškųjų Išteklių Plėtros Centras
On Projects Advising Sl
Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia
Flexible Education Norway
Project objectives
1. Assess the competence of low-skilled and less able adults to write, read, count and use a computer;
2. Promote further development of low-skilled and less able adults through innovative education models; creating a curriculum for four different submodules - the use of reading, writing, numeracy, and digital competencies.
3. Create a mentoring platform to improve reading, writing, computing and digital competence.

2018 - 2022
WOMEN4IT: Innovative Solutions to increase the numbers of EU vulnerable girls and young women into the digital agenda. The main objective of the project is to develop the digital competences of young women at risk of exclusion from the labour market, thereby improving their employability.
Project website linkProject name
WOMEN4IT: Innovative Solutions to increase the numbers of EU vulnerable girls and young women into the digital agenda
About the project
- Research and identification of unfilled categories of digital works
- Raising the awareness of young women to improve their digital competences and career choices in ICT.
- Profiling tool and methodology
- Profiling of 1000 young women
- Analysis of missing skills and competencies
- Development of training plans
- Individual learning plans for young women have been developed with employers
- Recruitment of young women
- Dissemination of project activities and results
- Sustainability plan for results
Project code
Project duration
2018 - 2022
EEA - Norway Financial Mechanism
Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association
Creative Thinking Development
Fundația Eos – Educating For An Open Society
Cranfield University
Ecdl Ireland Ltd.
European Centre For Women And Technology
Malta Communications Authority
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
The main objective of the project is to develop the digital competences of young women at risk of exclusion from the labour market, thereby improving their employability.

2017 - 2019
Objective of the project: To develop a European training programme, a serious game designed to acquire the necessary skills to enable firefighters and foresters to professionalise in fire prevention and fighting, taking into account the guidelines, rules and characteristics of each specific participating country.
Project website linkProject name
FORESTGAME: Training programme and serious game for the qualification of prevention and firefighting operators
About the project
Objective of the project: To develop a European training programme, a serious game designed to acquire the necessary skills to enable firefighters and foresters to professionalise in fire prevention and fighting, taking into account the guidelines, rules and characteristics of each specific participating country. Target group: Workers (prevention and firefighting), private companies, professional associations, forest cooperatives, trainers, training centres and local/national/European public bodies involved in the training and prevention/firefighting sectors. Forestgame`s training system will be fully based online and will be available to the intended target groups. The project`s teaching approach is based on the Open Education Resources (EAC) approach. Open Educational Resources (OER) method, therefore, develops digital educational materials that will be available under a license allowing their free use and distribution. The ageing of the working population at European level is clear. This situation should be aligned with strategies to adapt work organisation, tasks and working conditions to the specificities of this group of adult workers. It will be multidisciplinary training covering the medical, physical, technical and mental aspects of the condition due to the high psychophysical demands of work. This will help to professionalise the entire European sector using a training tool that anyone can download. New technologies adapted to learning are the improvement of the learning process. These innovative learning tools, based on the use of IT, allow the use of interactive content. Through the serious game we plan to develop, we will provide more effective and flexible quality learning. Serious games are a motivating tool for users, because they correspond to significant learning, only playfully. They also promote teamwork and are available anywhere, at any time.
Project code
Project duration
2017 - 2019
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Sgs Tecnos
Escola Nacional De Bombeiros
General Workers Union
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
1. Preparation of specialised prevention and fire-fighting operations, including physical and mental skills and competences, to be taken into account in the preparation of the European Training Programme
2. To write a report on the impact of ageing on physical, sensory and motor abilities of foresters and firefighters and their consequences for the safe performance of tasks.
3. Involve the administration, employers` associations, employee associations and specialised training centres in the need to link learning to the physical and mental needs of activities.

2017 - 2019
SEMA II aims to provide high-quality learning opportunities by developing the entrepreneurial skills of European farmers, oriented towards multifunctional agriculture, and to increase the competences of teachers and providers of national and regional agricultural training organisations.
Project website linkProject name
SEMA II: Sustainable Entrepreneurship based on Multifunctional Agriculture
About the project
Project code
Project duration
2017 - 2019
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy We Wroclawiu
Verein Fuer Landliche Strukturforschung Ev
Stowarzyszenie Arid
Conseil Europeen Des Jeunes Agriculteurs Aisbl
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives

2016 - 2018
The DiSoCi project aims to improve the professional competences of educational staff to work with migrants, refugees and other specific groups in Europe.
Project website linkProject name
Digital, Social and Civic Competences Development for Adult Educators Working with Migrants and Refugees
About the project
The DiSoCi project aims to improve the professional competences of educational staff to work with migrants, refugees and other specific groups in Europe. Today, there are no specific training programmes for andragogs working with migrants, refugees, etc. in special groups, but in order to involve these groups in a new society, it is necessary to prepare for an effective process of their training. According to the EU Strategy Papers, in particular Education and Training 2020, adult education is a cornerstone of integration as it integrates migrants, refugees and other special groups into a new society and becomes condiment to the labour market.
Project code
2016-1- LT01-KA204- 023159
Project duration
2016 - 2018
ERASMUS + programme
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Socialiniu Inovacijų Fondas
Formacion Para El Desarrollo E Insercion, Sociedad Limitada
Centre For Advancement Of Research And Development In Educational Technology Ltd-Cardet
H2 Learning Ltd
Project objectives
- To assess the qualifications and knowledge of andragogs, to work with migrants and refugees; To encourage continuous professional growth of Andragogai through innovative teaching models and open educational resources (IMI);
- Increase the motivation of migrants and refugees to learn and reduce their educational inequalities through digital applications to improve their competences;
- In order to realize the above objectives, the project partners will work on three activities: creating an evaluation model, a study programme and an e-storage facility.

2016 - 2018
The JANUS project focuses on developing the skills needed in the working environment. The necessary skills are revealed during work and changing circumstances make it necessary to improve them in order to adapt to the situation. Preparing skills for young people can also be seen as a factor of maturity, where young people are sceptical about their skills and opportunities and seek to improve them.
Project website linkProject name
Learning and assessing soft transversal skills in work-linked trainings to optimize the success of pathways, to prevent from dropouts and to favor employment integration and professional mobility in the long term
About the project
The JANUS project focuses on developing the skills needed in the working environment. The necessary skills are revealed during work and changing circumstances make it necessary to improve them in order to adapt to the situation. Preparing skills for young people can also be seen as a factor of maturity, where young people are sceptical about their skills and opportunities and seek to improve them.
Project code
Project duration
2016 - 2018
ERASMUS + programme
Conservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers Des Pays-De-La-Loire
Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia
Institute Of Technology Tallaght
Die Berater Unternehmensberatungs Gesellschaft Mbh
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
Promote integration and the assessment of social factors in order to achieve long-term employment opportunities, thereby reducing labour market fallout and unemployment. More and more companies are looking not only for talented employees, but also for smart people to work with changing situations and different task content.

Educational content modernization using new methods and tools for competences development of educators
2016 - 2016
The aim of the project is to increase the participation of educational staff in lifelong learning activities by improving the competencies of education (pre-school, general and professional) staff in the field of modernization of educational content and the application of new ICT-based methods.
Project website linkProject name
Educational content modernization using new methods and tools for competences development of educators
About the project
Project code
Project duration
2016 - 2016
Kauno Technologijos Universitetas
Nacionalinė Distancinio Mokymo Asociacija
Flexible Education Norway
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
Project objectives:
1) To promote international cooperation and increase the competencies of educational staff in the field of content modernization through new learning methods and technologies;
2) To develop and describe new learning methods for modernising educational content using technology.
The project provides for improved cooperation and capacity building of participants during traineeships in Norway. Together with Lithuanian and Norwegian partners, participate in the development of a model for the application of play elements in the learning process and the application of practical training on play teaching models in educational practice. Conveying norwegian experience using play models in education is very important in this project, as we have a well-developed technological (ICT) infrastructure in Lithuania, but it is not sufficiently used to modernize ICT-based content , and Norwegian project partners FUN have extensive experience in applying innovative learning methods, their experts develop ICT-based learning models for educational institutions in various sectors, actively participate in quality assurance educational institutions Process. To address the problem of better use of existing infrastructure, the project provides for the development of: a model for the application of play elements in the learning process, recommendations to educational staff on modernising ICT-based content using mobile technologies and play methods in practice. It is planned to organise trainings, create an integrated project website, exchange good practices and publicise activities and results. The exchange of good practices between Norwegian and Lithuanian institutions will take place at an international conference in Lithuania at the end of the project implementation period, where the partners will present the created results. The results will also be presented at international conferences with articles and handouts, 8 project participants will participate in the traineeship, and 20 project participants will participate in the training. The project promotes interinstitutional cooperation in the field of education between pre-school, general education, vocational training and non-formal education institutions in the Republic of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Norway. The results created during the project will provide an opportunity for employees of Lithuanian educational institutions to apply new learning methods and play elements to enrich the learning process. Recommendations will also be made for the use of new methods and tools to modernise training content. The methods and tools developed during the project will increasingly involve Lithuanian educational institutions with the goal of updating and modernising learning content with new elements created during the project, thus creating added value and engaging in open presentation and sharing of modernized content at national level.

2015 - 2017
The GYIT project encourages school-age children to be interested in information technology and to choose careers in this field. The project promotes the presentation of information technologies as an attractive, achievable, useful and rewarding career path.
Project name
Get Youth into IT: Encouraging and Supporting Young People in the IT Careers
About the project
The GYIT project encourages school-age children to be interested in information technology and to choose careers in this field. The project promotes the presentation of information technologies as an attractive, achievable, useful and rewarding career path.
Project products:
IT introductory course – this course is designed to present information technology to students from the practical side, fun and interesting. The course consists of many modules for different areas of information technology. The modules will cover both theoretical and practical parts.
Course for advanced ones – this course is for those who have already completed the introductory course and have shown interest in information technology. This course promotes the maintenance and promotion of greater interest and the development of existing skills and knowledge. The course consists of a variety of resources, virtual courses, MAIK`s and websites, where students can get more information about the sritį.
IT career set they are interested in – this career counselling kit is designed to help them choose a career in IT. It includes possible IT training opportunities in each of the partner countries (Ireland, Great Britain, Lithuania and Spain). This kit will help you successfully transition from school to IT teaching.
Project code
Project duration
2015 - 2017
ERASMUS + programme
Fast Track Into Information Technology Ltd.
Ebsi ( Uk) Limited
Cavan And Monaghan Education And Training Board
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
- Encourage and consolidate students` interest in information technology at an early age.
- Implement the transition of young people from school to IT teaching level using a career guide.
- To help young people consolidate the digital skills needed at work, school and leisure.
- Provide new and alternative career counselling opportunities for young people with limited opportunities.

2015 - 2017
The aim of the SEMA project is to create and maintain remote, high-quality entrepreneurship training for farmers wishing to carry out various agricultural activities.
Project website linkProject name
Sustainable Entrepreneurship based on Multifunctional Agriculture
About the project
The aim of the SEMA project is to create and maintain remote, high-quality entrepreneurship training for farmers wishing to carry out various agricultural activities.
Project code
Project duration
2015 - 2017
ERASMUS + programme
Verein Fuer Landliche Strukturforschung Ev
Asociacion Agraria Jovenes Agricultores Asaja Granada
Hof Und Leben Gmbh
Stowarzyszenie Arid
Asociatia Pentru Educatie Permanenta In Mediul Rural
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
The project will develop the following products:
- Open learning materials accessible online and related to Good Practice Practice using case studies methodology;
- Open and accessible online, a mentoring platform to build relationships between mentors and learners, supporting enterprising farmers.

2014 - 2016
The CaMEO project is aimed at promoting the mobility of older ICT workers. The project promotes the development of an EQF competence framework by providing tools available online for capacity building.
Project name
CaMEO – Career Mobility of Europe‘s Older Workforce
About the project
The CaMEO project is aimed at promoting the mobility of older ICT workers. The project promotes the development of an EQF competence framework by providing tools available online for capacity building. The project created an e-Academy for older workers to help identify ICT knowledge and skills under the European Qualifications Framework. The courses provided in the e-Academy environment are designed to improve existing skills and employability. The project also created a database for both older workers and employers to search for skilled workers across Europe.
Project code
Project duration
2014 - 2016
University Of Strathclyde
Społeczna Akademia Nauk
European Centre For Women And Technology
Zentrum Fuer Soziale Innovation
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
- Improve legislators` knowledge of the mobility of workers of higher age in the public, private and small and medium-sized sectors;
- Develop an e-Academy for older workers to improve involvement in ICT and skills identification and self-assessment in the EQF skills qualification;
- Establish a European strategic advisory group to ensure effective publicity and implementation of project results.

job yes
2014 - 2015
The project aims to offer innovative solutions by promoting the integration of socially excluded and disadvantaged people into the labor market.
Project website linkProject name
Choose a job not a dole
About the project
The project aims to offer innovative solutions by promoting the integration of socially excluded and disadvantaged people into the labor market 1) by updating their general skills related to the key competencies needed for work: innovation and entrepreneurship; social and citizenship competences; digital competences and learning to learn; 2) improving the quality of training provided by adult education organizations active in the field of vocational training in order to attract low-skilled people and encourage them to learn.
Project code
2014-1-LT01-KA204-000617 01.09. 2014 – 31.12. 2016
Project duration
2014 - 2015
ERASMUS + programme
Socialiniu Inovacijų Fondas
Defoin Formacion Para El Desarrollo Y La Inserción
Merseyside Expanding Horizons Ltd
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
- To increase motivation of people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities through participatory approach;
- To facilitate access for learners to employment-related training by offering tailored for individual learners learning opportunities based on Open Educational Resources (OERs);
- To increase motivation of people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities to learn by providing information on validation of non-formal and informal learning;
- To strengthen the capacities of AE organisations active in employment-related training to offer high quality ICT-based training tailored for individual learners with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities;
- To enhance the professional development of AE staff by introducing new innovative educational methods: reversed training, Open Educational Resources (OERs), blended-learning approach with new role of trainer as facilitator;
- To increase the adaptability of employment-related learning to the nowadays labour market’s needs by reinforcing social partnership between AE organisations, labour exchange offices and world of work (enterprises).

2014 - 2016
The general objective is improving quality and efficiency of the teaching-learning processes by means of design and validation of training materials based on new technologies and fully adapted to cleaners in the food and beverage industry.
Project website linkProject name
Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures in Food and Beverage Industries
About the project
The general objective is improving quality and efficiency of the teaching-learning processes by means of design and validation of training materials based on new technologies and fully adapted to cleaners in the food and beverage industry.
Project code
Project duration
2014 - 2016
ERASMUS + programme
Matis Ohf
Betelgeux Sl
Federazione Italiana Dell Industriaalimentare Associazione
Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Bioresurse Alimentare
Haskoli Islands
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
- To develop and adopt training material on cleaning and disinfection procedures in the food and drink industry.
- To use both food hygiene and prevention of occupational risks training as a strategy to increase workers adaptibility to changes and developments emerging in the sector, thereby improving their employability and competitiveness.
- To encourage the spreading and implementation of the European policy about health and safety, and food hygiene, contributing therefore, to protect consumers’ health and to prevent workers’ from occupational risks.
- To guarantee the product quality by continuous evaluation during the project development and by means of a final validation of technical aspects and developed educational materials in the pilot schemes.
- To make easier the access to new information and communication technologies (NICTs), especially to those groups with low levels of use of these technologies.

2014 - 2016
The aim of the project is to introduce a viable and beneficial option to young people who are job ready in terms of education and skills but remain unemployed due to a lack of opportunity to demonstrate suitability or competency for a particular role. One such option is structured supervised internships where the applied learning in the work-place is monitored and validated, skills utilised and professional development encouraged.
Project website linkProject name
A Structured Internship Programme to Aid the Professionalization of Skilled and Unemployed Young People with the Aim of Securing Employment
About the project
The aim of the project is to introduce a viable and beneficial option to young people who are job ready in terms of education and skills but remain unemployed due to a lack of opportunity to demonstrate suitability or competency for a particular role. One such option is structured supervised internships where the applied learning in the work-place is monitored and validated, skills utilised and professional development encouraged.
Project code
Project duration
2014 - 2016
ERASMUS + programme
Fast Track Into Information Technology Ltd.
Fachhochschule Koblenz, Rheinahrcampus Remagen, University Of Applied Sciences
Business In The Community
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
- Overcome difficulties that new entrants to the labour market, especially young people, face in competing in the labour market, securing stable employment, commencing career paths, thereby achieving autonomy and full participation in society.
- Encourage the professionalization of the unemployed youth who have the skills / training but lack practical experience.
- Validation of the transition from education to employment through structured, supervised interventions facilitating real-time application of learning e.g. internships.
- Forge and strengthen links between VET education and industry by improving the relevance of education provision.

2013 - 2015
These objectives will be reached by providing to the young women living in the rural areas of the European countries involved in the proposal an e-learning training course and a social network, deriving from the adaptation and transfer of the products of the MW-Sonet TOI project, that will be available on the project webpage.
Project name
MWE: Mentoring Women for Entrepreneurship
About the project
- Phase 1: Context analysis and research;
- Phase 2: Adaptation of the training materials/social network;
- Phase 3: Testing and Evaluation of the training materials/social network;
- Phase 4: Optimization, validation and transfer of the training materials/social network.
Project code
Project duration
2013 - 2015
Fundación Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Del Trabajo Agroalimentario
Granaforma, S.L:
Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori Toscana
Hof Und Leben Gmbh
Asociatia Pentru Educatie Permanenta In Mediul Rural
Conseil Europeen Des Jeunes Agriculteurs Aisbl
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
- To foster the entrepreneurial spirit of young women in rural communities in order to improve their social and professional status and gain equal gender rights;
- To involve and stimulate young women who are active in rural communities to become mentors for other young women in each participating country;
- To help maintaining the social and economical sustainability of rural areas;
- To contrast the emigration flow from rural areas to urban areas.

2012 - 2014
The aim of this project is try to increase and disseminate the usage of Moodle Platform. It is also believed that this Project will be a good sample for both establishing new partnerships and transferring new technologies between countries and economics.
Project name
ME-LPT – Moodle E-Learning Platforms and Technologies Project
About the project
The aim of this project is try to increase and disseminate the usage of Moodle Platform. It is also believed that this Project will be a good sample for both establishing new partnerships and transferring new technologies between countries and economics.
Project code
Project duration
2012 - 2014
Leonardo da Vinci programme
Oran Teknoloji Yazilim Danismanlik Ve Egitim Ltd. Sti.
Proinov - Consultoria Em Gestao, Formacao E Multimedia, Lda
Akilus Bilisim Teknolojileri Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti.
Netedukacja Grazyna Krol
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
- To transfer and share technology between countries and companies
- To be able to make new e-learning applications and platforms and have a role at developing e-learning technologies
- To have an opportunity to compare related technologies at different countries
- To disseminate the distance education programs throughout the Europe
- To improve the quality and to increase the volume of co-operation between partners and organisations providing learning opportunities throughout Europe

2012 - 2013
The project aims to provide opportunities for third-country nationals, especially those who find it difficult to study directly (traditionally). The information and communication technologies (ICT) used in the project will allow the development of various scenarios and the transfer of the learning process to the electronic environment.
Project name
Virtual Academy for Third-Country Nationals
About the project
The project aims to provide opportunities for third-country nationals, especially those who find it difficult to study directly (traditionally). The information and communication technologies (ICT) used in the project will allow the development of various scenarios and the transfer of the learning process to the electronic environment. ICT will address the issue of access to teaching resources, save time for tutors and third-country nationals, create a personalized and motivating learning environment and provide freedom of choice of place and time for learning. The introduced distance learning will allow third-country nationals to choose technologies based on personal experience, the specifics of the training process and their own needs.
During the project, e. training courses for third-country nationals:
- General Lithuanian language e. learning course (100 academic hours).
- Fundamentals of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania e. learning course (75 academic hours).
- Conflict Management Framework e. learning course (56 academic hours).
- Fundamentals of Lithuanian Culture e. learning course (60 academic hours).
- E-services for third-country nationals e. learning course (40 academic hours).
Project code
Project duration
2012 - 2013
European Fund for Third-Country Nationals
Lingua Lituanica
Project objectives
Replace traditional curricula with a focus on blended learning, the development of independent learning and subject competences for third-country nationals and the flexibility, diversity, choice and innovation of programs to increase the integration of third-country nationals into society.

Lietuva – pabėgėlių galimybių šalis
2014 - 2015
The project “Lithuania - a country of refugee opportunities” is aimed at reducing the dependence of foreigners granted asylum on state support, solving the main problems of integration of foreigners granted asylum into the labor market, increasing opportunities for cultural and social integration, applying missing active integration measures, improving PGU information system, informing society.
Project name
Lithuania - a country of refugee opportunities
About the project
The project “Lithuania - a country of refugee opportunities” is aimed at reducing the dependence of foreigners granted asylum on state support, solving the main problems of integration of foreigners granted asylum into the labor market, increasing opportunities for cultural and social integration, applying missing active integration measures, improving PGU information system, informing society.
Social skills development sessions
Group sessions on social skills development will be organized. During the classes, PGU will be tested for personal abilities, will receive information about new social skills development methodologies and their application in the home and community, solving self-care issues (how to save, live economically, hygiene, management skills, parenting issues, etiquette) methods of communication, practice of participation in social networks, methods of virtual communication.
Legal advice
During the implementation of the project, legal consultations will be provided in several Lithuanian cities. Lawyers will advise PGU on employment law, contracting, education and recognition of qualifications; CC provisions, compensation issues, dispute resolution issues, taking into account the individual needs and cases of PGU. During the consultations, additional information on labor law and the main provisions of the CC will be provided, taking into account the need for consultations in previous years.
Psychologist consultations
During the implementation of the project, individual and/or group consultations of a psychologist will be provided. The psychologist will counsel the PGU on their psychological problems, self-confidence, motivation, coping with post-traumatic stress disorder, family relationships, and more. taking into account the individual needs and cases of the PGU.
Sightseeing trips
It is planned that 3 study tours will be organized during the project. The trips are designed to meet the widest possible range of PGU needs - social adaptation in a new environment, integration into the labor market, psychological adaptation, cultural knowledge and education. Most PGUs do not have sufficient Lithuanian language skills, including Russian and English, so there are regular study trips with more stories about history, Lithuanian culture, and so on. are not suitable for PGUs as PGUs adapt more to the environment through excitement, useful entertainment, and perceptions of new experiences. It encourages them to independently look for questions, tell others at PGU what they have seen, stimulate independent interest in Lithuanian culture, places of interest, integration into the labor market.
Personal health care services
It is planned to provide PGU medical services during the project according to the recommendations of the PPC medical care service doctor and Rukla outpatient dentist.
Professional Lithuanian language classes for adults at the Center
PGU professional Lithuanian language classes will be organized. Classes will be organized according to the demanded specialties, according to the need of PGU. This need is determined in the light of the 2013 practice.
Computer literacy classes
Classes on computer literacy at PGU will be conducted. A program will be developed that includes theoretical and practical training. It is planned to organize classes individually and in groups (assigning different tasks to each PGU, providing general theoretical information). 2014-2015 The activities will be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the employee and the foreigners granted asylum. practices (new methods and tools will be selected).
Information office and library services
The activities of the Information Cabinet and the Library will be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the staff and foreigners granted asylum. practices (new methods and tools will be selected).
Additional Lithuanian language trainings will be organized in PGU municipalities
Additional Lithuanian language trainings will be organized. After completing Lithuanian language training in municipalities, PGU will take the state Lithuanian language exam.
Trainings on the basics of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania will be organized in PGU municipalities
Trainings on the basics of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania will be organized. The training will aim to provide PGU with knowledge about their rights and obligations as foreigners granted asylum unlike citizens of the Republic of Lithuania, their rights to (in) participate in elections, referendums, knowledge on how to exercise rights to inviolability of human freedom, privacy, right to court , the right to profess one \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s religion (un) in public, the right to social security and safe working conditions, the functions of local authorities, courts, etc. This knowledge is necessary for PGU to achieve independence, security, ensuring an equal life together with the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and their motivation to participate in the public life of Lithuania. After completing the training on the basics of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania in municipalities, PGU will take the state examination on the basics of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania.
Introductory seminar \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Lifelong learning\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" organized
An introductory seminar will be organized for PGU, who will continue their studies in distance learning “Everyday e. PGU services ’. During it, the project itself will be presented, e. The service training specialist will present the concept of lifelong learning, discuss examples, followed by a presentation of distance learning “Everyday e. services PGU “e. the book, its chapters, provide tips on how to learn, how to communicate while learning, how to perform practical tasks. Participants will have the opportunity to try e. book, their questions will be answered. A face-to-face meeting before distance learning is a necessary event that motivates people, introduces them to future studies, helps to overcome possible difficulties in starting learning.
Distance studies “Everyday e. PGU services
Distance studies “Everyday e. services PGU ”is an independent work with e. book online. The aim of the training is to provide refugees with the knowledge and practical skills to use the Internet in a targeted way, which is rich in e. services - starting with e. learning and completing e. banking and e. work. Course participants are instructed to study this material in a computer classroom or on their personal computers and mobile devices if there is an Internet connection. At the end of their studies, learners take a test, which they pass and receive a certificate of completion. After completing these trainings, PGU will be ready to use the basic e. services that are important in their daily lives will also acquire skills for further development - lifelong learning, which is important for quality integration in Lithuania.
Final seminar \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"E-services PGU\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" will be organized
One final seminar will be organized at PGU to discuss the course of distance learning, the results, the final test passed, and to share opinions and impressions. During the seminar, new e. learning opportunities related to mobile devices, which should encourage PGU not to limit themselves to previous training, but to continuously improve.
Vocational training
Vocational training will be provided. Training will be organized according to the individual needs of PGU, providing maximum conditions for vocational training in vocational training institutions. At the end of the vocational training, PGU will acquire a professional qualification and receive a certificate confirming this.
Ethnocultural exhibitions
It is planned to organize 6 exhibitions. Exhibitions are planned to be organized in schools, cultural centers, etc. During the exhibitions, visitors will be introduced to national costumes, music, dances and meals. Before each organized event, the music teacher will help PGU to prepare an artistic app for the celebrations, if necessary, will teach PGU the basics of playing musical instruments. PGUs of different nationalities will represent different cultures, as one exhibition will require the preparation of national dishes from at least two countries, a presentation about the country\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s culture and artistic program (dances, songs). One will be responsible for the presentation and communication of the cultures of Afghanistan, Pakistan, cooperation with English-speaking PGU. The other will be responsible for the presentation and communication of the cultures of Chechnya, Belarus, Ukraine, cooperation with Russian-speaking PGU.
Organization of celebrations for children and adults (Christmas, Mardi Gras, Easter)
It is planned to organize 3 celebrations: Christmas-New Year, Mardi Gras and St. Easter. They will be organized at the Center, with the participation not only of PGU, but also of children from schools and care homes.
World Refugee Day
It is planned to organize the celebration of World Refugee Day in 2015. Refugee Reception Center. National dishes will be presented during the celebration. National dishes will be prepared by PGUs living in the Center. It is planned to present the projects created during the project, the activities carried out and to hand out souvenirs with the project attributes during the World Refugee Day celebration. A professional music teacher will help PGU create a music program for World Refugee Day.
Activities with children
Activities will be carried out in the relaxation room, gym, lobby, children\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s activity room. The activities will help children with homework, various competitions, competitions, quizzes, afternoons with film screenings, etc.
Artistic development activities
During the project, events will be organized almost every month that require the preparation of an artistic program.
It is expected that at least 60 representatives of the target group will be able to use the results of the project and participate in the ongoing project; as well as about 40 different members of society (including employees of social inclusion institutions). In addition, the results of the project, such as the website module developed, specialist reports and recommendations, links with VET institutions, the e-services training module, the PGU intellectual capital gained through vocational training, will have a lasting value for several years after the project. Most of the project activities are aimed at a wide audience and the number of members of Lithuanian society participating in the project is not limited.
In addition, almost all foreigners granted asylum who participate in the integration program in the Center and in the territories of municipalities and those who no longer receive state support for social integration will have the opportunity to participate in the project activities.
Project code
Project duration
2014 - 2015
European Refugee Fund (2013 program)
Pabėgėlių Priėmimo Centras
Project objectives

Sėkmingo verslo kelias
2011 - 2014
Project activities include entrepreneurship training for teachers, entrepreneurship training mentors, entrepreneurship training for students, application of the entrepreneurship education model in companies, entrepreneurship education information system, individual student practical consultations, Spanish and Irish foreign expert consultations, student internships in companies/associations, student workshops.
Project name
The path to a successful business
About the project
Entrepreneurship training for teachers. Many teachers have not studied entrepreneurship, so they do not always use the right method of entrepreneurship teaching or think that the subject they teach has nothing to do with entrepreneurship. In order to improve teachers` understanding of entrepreneurship education, its aspirations, methods and content, it is envisaged to provide training for teachers and to disseminate information on various opportunities and methods to support entrepreneurial thinking. The aim of the training is to provide teachers with practical skills for coaching, teamwork, conflict resolution, innovative learning methods and to test them together with students. After completing the training, teachers will be ready to lead student practice in business enterprises and cooperation with mentors, as well as after the end of the project, teachers will ensure the continuity of the entrepreneurship project for new students. Entrepreneurship training for mentors. Properly trained mentors are an important part of the implemented model. If mentors are not trained, the skills, knowledge and skills they have to organise student practice may not be sufficient. The purpose of the training is to provide mentors with coaching, mentoring, entrepreneurial education, knowledge and skills. After completing the training, mentors will be ready to recruit students to practice, advise students during their workplace practice, and conduct practical entrepreneurship education training using business examples from their company`s fields of activity. Entrepreneurship training for students. The implementation of the entrepreneurial model aims to develop student entrepreneurship and activate their own business creation intentions through innovative cooperation between higher education institutions and social and business partners, using learning methods focused on the development of students` creativity and general abilities, applying the diversity of the study environment and mentoring. The purpose of the training is to develop students` personal, technical entrepreneurial and business leadership skills, to provide the knowledge necessary for the entrepreneur, the ability to use various technologies, to analyze real business cases and situations, and to overcome risk factors using analytical techniques and innovative methods. The model provides students with experience, allows to apply theory and integrate different functional areas of activity, requires teamwork, greater involvement in the real labour market, motivates students and allows to successfully develop entrepreneurship and see the consequences of decisions. After completing the training, students will be ready to practice in business enterprises, where they will continue their work-based learning. Application of the entrepreneurship education model in enterprises. After the training cycle, students start a practice in business enterprises, where practical assistance in the field of entrepreneurship education is provided by a mentor. Business practical training, mentoring a real business enterprise employee, provides excellent opportunities for the student to monitor and participate in the fields of employee management, accounting, procurement, sales and marketing management and business business processes in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, Government resolutions and other normative documents. By applying an innovative model of entrepreneurship education, business employees (mentors) will help students to acquire entrepreneurial knowledge and skills in practice areas. Information system for entrepreneurship education. During the implementation of the project, an environment for the implementation of the entrepreneurship education model will be created - an information system, which will present self-assessment tests of personal abilities and characteristics, non-formal training programmes for entrepreneurship education, simulation simulation programs and games for entrepreneurship education, personal portfolios of user achievements, counselling, communication, cooperation and other measures to ensure the development of student entrepreneurship and the smooth running of the practice process. The Entrepreneurship Education Information System will expand the functionality of existing and currently under development other practice systems, giving their users access to the tools of the entrepreneurial education model. Both learners and representatives of businesses will be invited to communicate and collaborate on the social network, where they can share entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and even model new entrepreneurial ideas and plans according to the available model structure. The framework will also create open interfaces for the integration of institutional databases and academic information systems. The operation of the information system will ensure the successful execution of project activities and publicity of the results. Individual practical consultations of students. In the implemented model, theoretical training is combined with active self-employment. Students will also deepen their knowledge in the virtual space by learning independently in the e-learning system, when students` entrepreneurial practical skills will be strengthened. One of the most important tasks of self-learning is the business simulation model, which imitates the company and its external environment and the preparation of a business plan. During the self-employment of students, performing teamwork tasks in the business simulation model and preparing the business plan, individual practical consultations of Lithuanian business experts and teachers will be provided. The information system for entrepreneurship education will be used for consulting, students will be able to use the virtual environment moodle, Skype, e-mail, video conference. There will also be obvious counselling on the basis of student needs. Consultation of foreign experts from Spain and Ireland. Experts from Ireland and Spain applying the FAS model in their own countries will participate in the project to implement the adaptation of the FAS model to Lithuanian higher education institutions. Foreign experts will organize practical trainings on entrepreneurship education and provide business examples to students during their practice. The planned entrepreneurship education model is based on innovative learning methods such as role-playing games, business simulation, teamwork and other active learning methods based on practical experience of companies. Mixed student learning is also envisaged – interactive tests and video material will be presented in Moodle`s virtual learning environment. The implementation of the model for the implementation of innovative learning methods will also use practical situations and cases of companies implementing the FAS model. Student traineeships in business enterprises/associations. Self-employment will have to be completed with an initial business plan, which will be evaluated in the expert information system. Later, competitions for business ideas are organized. The 45 selected winners receive traineeships to irish and Spanish businesses or associations. Internship reports will be presented in the information system, and it is planned to encourage students to write internship blogs that could be commented on by other students and teachers and mentors. After internships, students will improve their business plans and be ready to present them during the practical fair. Student Practical Fair. Mentors and teachers involved in the project activities will evaluate the business ideas of students who have participated in internships, based on practical examples, which will be presented to employers, social partners and the public, organized during the student practical fair. Students` business ideas will also be evaluated by foreign experts who have provided advice - they will evaluate business ideas in the information system. After the end of the project activities, 2 business plans will be implemented.
Project code
Project duration
2011 - 2014
European Social Fund
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Kauno Regioninis Inovacijų Centras
Kauno kolegija
Vilniaus kolegija
Project objectives
To strengthen students entrepreneurial practical skills through the successful implementation of the FAS entrepreneurship education model in foreign countries and to adapt it to the learning programmes of Lithuanian higher education institutions. In Lithuanian higher education institutions, the aim is to introduce innovative models of entrepreneurship education that meet the needs of the market and the need for a knowledge-based economy and lifelong learning. By implementing the entrepreneurial model, the aim is to develop student entrepreneurship and activate the possibilities of creating their own business through innovative cooperation between higher education institutions and social and business partners.

2010 - 2012
The main aim of the project is to increase ICT competences among VET teachers, trainers and tutors (Leo-TraInno-3). To take the results from the Vitae project further to new Institutions, new Countries, Cultures and Languages, is an overall goal for the project.
Project website linkProject name
UnderstandIT - Using business models and results from the Vitae, iQTool and eTutor Portal projects to increase ICT skills and competences of VET teachers, trainers, tutors and technical staff
About the project
The main aim of the project is to increase ICT competences among VET teachers, trainers and tutors (Leo-TraInno-3).
To take the results from the Vitae project further to new Institutions, new Countries, Cultures and Languages, is an overall goal for the project.
Project code
Project duration
2010 - 2012
Leonardo da Vinci programme
Sør-Trøndelag University College
Centro De Formação Profissional Da Indústria Metalúrgica E Metalomecânica
Fachhochschule Koblenz, Rheinahrcampus Remagen, University Of Applied Sciences
Anne Fox
Norwegian Association For Distance And Flexible Education
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives

2010 - 2012
The Project is proposed as an ICT Key Activity and has significant development component. However, this technical development can draw on previous design and development work by the technology partner. There will be an even stronger focus on pedagogies and practices to support adoption and promote integration with suitable networks and organisations.
Project name
SIMOLA – Situated Mobile Language Learning
About the project
The Project is proposed as an ICT Key Activity and has significant development component. However, this technical development can draw on previous design and development work by the technology partner. There will be an even stronger focus on pedagogies and practices to support adoption and promote integration with suitable networks and organisations.
The project will:
- Produce a lightweight and sustainable, mobile application for the Android Mobile OS to meet the specific needs of in-situ language learners. To include capture and uploading of text, photos, audio and video, group discussion areas, RSS syndication and widgets to embed in social network profile pages.
- Develop pedagogies and practices that enable learners to take best advantage of the application capabilities in everyday incidental learning situations and foster reflection and discussion with other language learners in similar circumstances.
- Design and carry out empirical studies to assess the impact of the system on learners‘learning, meta-learning, attitudes and confidence.
- Foster adoption of the system through dissemination and exploitation activities, involving integration with relevant networks and initiatives supporting language learners living in the target language country.
Project code
Project duration
2010 - 2012
University Of Brighton
Study Group Ltd
Regional Community College Of Amsterdam
Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet
Magyar Virtuális Egyetemi Hálózat Egyesület
Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives

Mišraus mokymosi modelio įdiegimas bendrojo ugdymo įstaigose
2010 - 2012
The main objective of the project is to update traditional teaching content by focusing it on the blended learning model, developing pupils` competencies and achieving flexibility, versatility, increasing choice and promoting innovation.
Project name
Introduction of a blended learning model in general education institutions
About the project
The main objective of the project is to update traditional teaching content by focusing it on the blended learning model, developing pupils` competencies and achieving flexibility, versatility, increasing choice and promoting innovation.
Project code
Project duration
2010 - 2012
European Social Fund Agency
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Kauno „Nemuno“ Mokykla
Klaipėdos Gedminų Progimnazija
Lietuvos Kūno Kultūros Akademijos Studentų Atstovybė
Marijampolės Marijonų Gimnazija
Pakruojo R. Lygumų Vidurinė Mokykla
Panevėžio 5-Oji Vidurinė Mokykla
Šilalės R. Pajūrio Stanislovo Biržiškio Gimnazija
Telšių Suaugusių Mokykla
Utenos „Saulės“ Gimnazija
Vilniaus Pilaitės Vidurinė Mokykla
Vakarų Lietuvos Verslo Kolegija
Project objectives

2010 - 2012
The aim of the project: To develop an e-learning course of innovation management, which would correspond to the labour market needs and fill the gap in national VET systems.
Project name
E- Learning course of Innovation Management for vocational training
About the project
The aim of the project:
To develop an e-learning course of innovation management, which would correspond to the labour market needs and fill the gap in national VET systems.
Project code
Project duration
2010 - 2012
Leonardo da Vinci programme
Latvijas Tehnologiskais centrs
Coventry University Enterprises Ltd
Integrated Resources Management (Irm) Company Ltd.
Aalto yliopisto Kauppakorkeakoulu Pienyrityskeskus
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
- To develop high quality e-learning course materials and to adapt them in the project participant countries,
- To pilot the course in order to integrate the learners` feedback in the course materials, thus ensuring higher methodological and content basis,
- To implement all necessary dissemination and exploitation activities in order to ensure sustainability and mainstreaming of the project results.

Kompiuterinės žinios ir įgūdžiai visapusiškam tobulėjimui
2010 - 2016
The main objective of the project - during the project it is tried to endue Lithuanian citizens with high quality computer literacy skills, paying special attention to the inhabitants of problematic areas, thus helping them to adapt to rapidly changing market needs.
Project name
Computer Knowledge and Skills for the Comprehensive Development
About the project
The main objective of the project - during the project it is tried to endue Lithuanian citizens with high quality computer literacy skills, paying special attention to the inhabitants of problematic areas, thus helping them to adapt to rapidly changing market needs.
Target groups:
It planned to include in to the project employed and unemployed residents of rural areas of Lithuania.
They are:
- 350 participants from Kelmė region municipality
- 1650 participants from Jonava region municipality
- 350 participants from Lazdijai region municipality
- 50 participants from Druskininkai municipality
- 900 participants from Mažeikiai municipality
- 275 participants from Rokiškis region municipality
- 150 participants from Skuodas region municipality
- 75 participants from Šalčininkai region municipality
- 5200 target group participants trained.
Project code
SFMIS Nr.VP1-1.1-SADM-07-K-01-050
Project duration
2010 - 2016
European Structural Funds Project
“Politehnica” University Of Timisoara
Project objectives
To improve the level of basic knowledge of information technology and increase the level of competence of usability of personal computers and their software applications, in order to increase the employment of rural population, while emphasizing the incorporation of the target group of 45-year-old people in to the project activities.

VOCA Extended
2009 - 2011
In VOCA and VOCA 2 projects focus was put on the process of getting and keeping a job, and one of the project outcomes was the development and testing of a model for the training of Mentors who can assist both companies in employing a disabled individual and disabled people. In this project, VOCA Extended, mentors will be offered training in more languages and they will also be trained in guiding disabled people in how to work at home.
Project name
VOCA Extended - Increased accessibility to vocational training and increased attachment to the labour market for disabled people through the VOCA Europe 2 Mentor model
About the project
In VOCA and VOCA 2 projects focus was put on the process of getting and keeping a job, and one of the project outcomes was the development and testing of a model for the training of Mentors who can assist both companies in employing a disabled individual and disabled people. In this project, VOCA Extended, mentors will be offered training in more languages and they will also be trained in guiding disabled people in how to work at home. Therefore the project will support participants of VOCA courses in futher training activities for developing mentor skills and profession, for mentoring in integration to the working environment and to a new job. VOCA will also support improvements in quality and innovation in vocational education and training systems targeting mentoring disabled persons.
Project code
LdV VOCA 2009-1-TR1-LEO05-08629
Project duration
2009 - 2011
Leonardo da Vinci programme
Point Proje Ins. Taah. Muh. Ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
COOP Institute of Education
Turkish & Belgian Amicable Cultural Association
Gazi University
Association H Foundation For Distance Learning For Disabled People
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives

2009 - 2011
The main aim of MW-Sonet is to involve and stimulate women to become active participants of local community life, to become mentors for other rural woman and all the rural community. A specific aim is to help rural women empower themselves in order to gain more integration into the social infrastructure and be more active in influencing their social and economical environment.
Project name
MW-Sonet - Mentoring rural women through social networking
About the project
The main aim of MW-Sonet is to involve and stimulate women to become active participants of local community life, to become mentors for other rural woman and all the rural community. A specific aim is to help rural women empower themselves in order to gain more integration into the social infrastructure and be more active in influencing their social and economical environment. We plan to build a social network for international rural women-mentors to share ideas, knowledge and skills, and empower ourselves. MW-Sonet encourages the participants to share ideas in local, national and international communities. Women-mentors will be trained and a network of rural mentors will be established. Outcomes will have a positive impact of rural women for social improvement, self-education and life long learning, improving self-esteem awareness of their own special knowledge and of the needs to change.
Project code
Project duration
2009 - 2011
Leonardo da Vinci programme
Aleksandro Stulginskio Universitetas
Ict Development Bulgaria
Institute Of Communications And Computer Systems
Gazi University
Landbunadarhaskoli Islands
Hungarian Telecottage Association
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives

2009 - 2011
The aim of the project is to increase virtual mobility among academic staff by facilitating development, management and implementation of virtual research and mobility and by improving their virtual mobility competences.
Project name
TeaCamp - Teacher Virtual Campus: Research, Practice, Apply
About the project
The aim of the project is to increase virtual mobility among academic staff by facilitating development, management and implementation of virtual research and mobility and by improving their virtual mobility competences.
TeaCamp project contributes to the needs to increase virtual mobility among academic staff by facilitating:
- HE institutions to realize necessary steps to be undertaken to ensure full academic virtual exchange and recognition of academic virtual processes,
- Academic staff to prepare, develop and implement virtual mobility, despite their economic, social and other restraints,
- Researchers to implement transnational research,
- Institutions and students to benefit from updated and qualitative curriculum, to ensure availability and accessibility of qualitative curriculum for various LLL target groups.
Project code
Project duration
2009 - 2011
ERASMUS programme
Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
Innovation Centre-Vicerrectorado De Informática-Univ. Oviedo
Universidade De Aveiro
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski
University of Jyväskylä
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives

HeLPS Transfer
2008 - 2010
To transfer the results of HeLPS Project in the sectors of University Education, post-University High Training and High School through the specialization of the training pathways developed by the Project to the needs of the two reference sectors, the linguistic localization and the structural adaptation of the main HeLPS products and results and the Training and Guidance of the Operators in the University and School sectors.
Project name
HeLPS Transfer – Helps for High Education and High School
About the project
To transfer the results of HeLPS Project in the sectors of University Education, post-University High Training and High School through the specialization of the training pathways developed by the Project to the needs of the two reference sectors, the linguistic localization and the structural adaptation of the main HeLPS products and results and the Training and Guidance of the Operators in the University and School sectors.
Project code
Project duration
2008 - 2010
Leonardo da Vinci programme
Iti “Francesco Giordani“
University Of Bologna - Faculty Of Sciences Of Education
University Of Salerno - Departments Of Informatic Engineering And Applied Mathematics
Gazi University
Point Project Cons. & Eng. Llc
Organization For The Teacher Training Of The Romanian Ministry Of Education
University Politehnica Of Bucharest - Ctanm
Polytechnic University Of Bucharest
Consortium Hermes
University Of Malmo
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
At the end of the Project, HeLPS Transfer will realize the following products:
- Post-University Master pathways for the training of the HeLPS professional figures, addressed to specific target of graduates from each Partnership country .
- e-DD&P Methodology consolidated in relation to the Partnership.
- e-Stage environment adapted in the languages and in the organizational models of each Partnership country.
- Volume entitled “From Didactics to e-Didactics - Project Management Paragraph, Models and Techniques“ with annexed CD-ROM published in all the Partnership languages, both in hardcopy and e-Book format.
- Publish the volume entitled “From Didactic to e-Didactics“ with annexed CD-ROM in all the localization languages, both in hardcopy and e-Book format.
- Applicative Tools of the eDD&P Methodology and of the e-Stage System in all the languages different from Italian and English.
- e-Stage Web localized in all the Partnership languages different from Italian and English.
- Seminarial Plan for University Trainers and Teachers and High School Teachers, with related material for the realization of initiatives.
- Seminars addressed to University Trainers and Teachers: one or two for each Partnership country.
- Seminars addressed to University Professors: one or two for each Partnership country.
- “HeLPS for High Training and High School“ Portal in all the Partnership languages.

2007 - 2009
The main objective of the project is to create the unified e-learning course called “Internet access points management” that would ensure an accessible and life long training for internet access points administrators and managers which will improve the administrators management and administration, training, communication and marketing skills in Lithuania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Finland.
Project name
TuCoDe - Tutor Competence Development for RIAPs Users
About the project
The main objective of the project is to create the unified e-learning course called “Internet access points management” that would ensure an accessible and life long training for internet access points administrators and managers which will improve the administrators management and administration, training, communication and marketing skills in Lithuania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Finland.
Project code
Project duration
2007 - 2009
Leonardo da Vinci programme
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Institute For Technology And Development
Hungarian Telecottage Association
University of Vaasa
University Of Aegean
Project objectives
- To make the analysis of the RIAP administrators needs and expectations for the training;
- Create the training course for RIAP administrators adjusting to Lithuanian needs and improving the “Telecottages management” course according to national needs and expectations
- Train 50 RIAP administrators according to the new training course
- Renew e-learning course with video materials from partner countries (success stories, good practices) --- to make video film about RIAP management, administration, users and their daily work in telecottages what will serve as motivational element for RIAP managers in all project partner countries;
- To make new social networking tools and test them with life long learning community in RIAPs.
- To establish international community of practice of RIAPs stakeholders and to initiate several LLL virtual communities of RIAPs tutors and users on specific subjects of interest.

2008 - 2010
The main aim of the ReMark project is to adapt an entrepreneurship e-learning package to the needs of potential knowledge-based entrepreneurs - mainly researchers, but also students and young graduates with technological/scientific knowledge, and test and disseminate it in Lithuania, Cyprus, Slovakia and Finland.
Project name
Re-Mark - From Research to Market
About the project
Knowledge-based entrepreneurship that turns research results into marketable products or services is highly valued and supported in the policies of EU countries as it adds to the competitiveness of any economy and is essential for achieving the Lisbon goals. However, intellectual entrepreneurship in Europe is still underdeveloped. Numerous studies show that lack of entrepreneurial spirit and knowledge are among the main constraints hindering researchers to pursue starting up their businesses.
The main aim of the ReMark project is to adapt an entrepreneurship e-learning package to the needs of potential knowledge-based entrepreneurs - mainly researchers, but also students and young graduates with technological/scientific knowledge, and test and disseminate it in Lithuania, Cyprus, Slovakia and Finland. Project objectives include analysis of the current e-learning package and its adaptation to the needs of the target groups and participating countries; e-learning package transfer to Lithuania, Slovakia and Cyprus by translating it and placing in the project partners` websites; testing and evaluation of the e-learning package by the target groups; implementation of the valorisation strategy.
The main outcome of the project will be an innovative e-learning package for knowledge-based entrepreneurship available online in Lithuanian, Slovak, Greek, Finnish and English. The project will also produce a number of results that will be used for valorisation purposes (valorisation plan, project website, leaflets, etc.), will help to promote the project and attract the representatives of target groups to test and evaluate project results. The evaluation will serve as a basis for improvements and preparation for further exploitation of the e-learning package.
The e-learning package will help to fill in the gap in the entrepreneurial training addressing the group of potential entrepreneurs that are likely to develop high value-added, knowledge and new technology based business. Researchers, young graduates and students with outstanding scientific knowledge will gain additional skills that will allow them to turn their knowledge into commercial benefit by developing successful business. The project will contribute to the efforts to develop knowledge-based entrepreneurship in project partners` and other European countries.
Project code
Project duration
2008 - 2010
Leonardo da Vinci programme
Kauno Regioninis Inovacijų Centras
Elfa Ltd.
X-Panel Ltd.
Helsinki School of Economics Small Business Center
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives

2007 - 2009
The main scope of ViCaDiS is to provide an accessible and attractive environment for all students within the Member States, using already existing tools which will be enhanced with new tools wanted by the new generation of students.
Project name
Project name ViCaDiS - Virtual Campus for Digital Students
About the project
The main scope of ViCaDiS is to provide an accessible and attractive environment for all students within the Member States, using already existing tools which will be enhanced with new tools wanted by the new generation of students. By providing students the tools which they use anyway extensively outside the institutional framework of learning (wiki, blogs, forums, Instant Messaging, podcasting, RSS) ViCaDiS will support the learning attractiveness of the university curricula, will improve the quality of the learning process by encouraging the exchange of information/knowledge between students from different universities, and will reduce the university drop-out or student de-motivation for learning.
Project code
Project duration
2007 - 2009
ERASMUS programme
“Politehnica” University Of Timisoara
Visioni Di Di Caro Arch. Ernesta
Bridgeman Srl
University Of Brighton
Jme Associates Ltd
University Of Miskolc
Euro-Contact Business School
Oulu University of Applied Sciences, School of Engineering
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives

2007 - 2009
To achieve these goals, the partnership will develop and organize e-learning programs, which associate virtual controlled simulations with a real industrial project.
Project name
ELVIRE - E-Learning with Virtual Industrial system for Reducing Energy consumption and Environment pollution
About the project
To achieve these goals, the partnership will develop and organize e-learning programs, which associate virtual controlled simulations with a real industrial project.
Project code
Project duration
2007 - 2009
Leonardo da Vinci programme
Madan Parque De Ciencia E Tecnologia Almada/Setubal
University Of Duisburg
Strategisk Företagsledning
University Of Aegean
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
To increase industrial production productivity, quality and security regarding energetic efficiency and the reduction of harmful environmental effects and improve the efficiency of distance vocational training in industrial area.

EUE – Net
2007 - 2010
The project aim is to create an European network of universities and industrial partners to strengthen the university - industry cooperation in the field of education, research and services in a wider European perspective, contributing to the defining and strengthening the role of University within the European Education Area.
Project website linkProject name
EUE-Net - European University-Enterprise cooperation Network
About the project
The project aim is to create an European network of universities and industrial partners to strengthen the university - industry cooperation in the field of education, research and services in a wider European perspective, contributing to the defining and strengthening the role of University within the European Education Area.
Project code
Project duration
2007 - 2010
Socrates programme
Transylvanian University Of Brasov
Business Innovation Center of Latvian Electronic Industry (LEBIC)
Rezekne Higher Education Institution
University Of Ljubljana
Basque Country University
Compostela Group Of Universities
Stolt Sea Farm Sa
Technical University of Zvolen
European Association Of Erasmus Coordinators
University Of Cyprus
Centaurus Srl
Consulmarc Sviluppo Srl
Visus Ottica Di Elena Pellaschiar
University Of Trieste
Laboratorio Delle Idee Srl
Smile Toscana
Technical University Of Sofia
Polytechnic Institute Of Porto
Universitade Do Algrave
Technological Educational Institute Of Crete
Technological Educational Institute Of Piraeus – Liaison Office
Leonardo Office Thuringia C/O Technical University Ilmenau
Baden-Württemberg Partnership For The Exchange Of Students, Graduates And Technology Transfer (Best) At University Of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe
Free University Of Berlin
Odagem Ostim Collaborative R & D Center Co.
Higher Vocational State School In Gorzow Wlkp.
University Of Bucharest
County School Inspectorate Of Brasov
Tempus Association For Continuing Education
Staffordshire University
Stichting Foundation Icpa Office In Europe
Engineering College Of Copenhagen
Tomas Bata University in Zlín
SUB Cranes, a.s. foundation
Galway-Mayo Institute Of Technology
Iut Paris Jussieu, Universite Paris Vii Denis Diderot
University Of La Rochelle
Mac-Team Aisbl
Jeunes Entrepreneurs De L Union Europenne
Academy Avignon
University Of Malta
Zbp, Career Center Of Vienna University Of Economics And Business Administration
Amadeus Association
Corvinus University Of Budapest
Helsinki School of Economics Small Business Center
Swedish Telepedagogic Knowledge Center
Tallinn University Of Technology
Virumaa College Of Tallinn University Of Technology
Asspro Ltd.
Daedalus Informatics Ltd
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives

2004 - 2007
The project`s aim is to open up labor market for people facing difficulties in integration or reintegration into the labor market. To create an adaptable learning and teaching platform through testing and adapting innovative means for employment.
Project name
EQUAL-HIGHTWAY - Development Partnership Klaipeda - Vilnius
About the project
The project`s aim is to open up labor market for people facing difficulties in integration or reintegration into the labor market. To create an adaptable learning and teaching platform through testing and adapting innovative means for employment. To increase employment opportunities for target groups through developing a conceptual multifunction platform in the areas of orientation and guidance, socialization and information communication technologies.
Project code
Project duration
2004 - 2007
European Community initiative EQUAL
Lietuvos Darbo Rinkos Mokymo Tarnyba
Klaipėdos Universitetas
Pal. J. Matulaičio Socialinis Centras
Pal. J. Matulaičio Šeimos Pagalbos Centras
Profesinio Mokymo Ir Valdymo Institutas
Kauno Petrašiūnų Darbo Rinkos Mokymo Centras
Kretingos Moterų Informacijos Ir Mokymo Centras
Prevencinių Programų Studija „Rafaelis“
Vakarų Lietuvos Verslo Kolegija
Šiaulių Darbo Rinkos Mokymo Ir Konsultavimo Tarnyba
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives

2005 - 2007
The project aims at providing teachers and trainers at VET organizations with understanding and competence in diversification of training based on individual expectations and abilities how to manage training content. To achieve this, open and distance learning (DL) course modules based on learning objects will be developed that will enable VET teachers and trainers to apply new didactical and pedagogical approach.
Project name
EVETE - Empowerment of Vocational Education and Training by Improving the E-Learning Competencies of Teachers and Trainers
About the project
The project aims at providing teachers and trainers at VET organizations with understanding and competence in diversification of training based on individual expectations and abilities how to manage training content. To achieve this, open and distance learning (DL) course modules based on learning objects will be developed that will enable VET teachers and trainers to apply new didactical and pedagogical approach.
Project code
Project duration
2005 - 2007
Leonardo da Vinci programme
KTU E. Mokymosi Technologijų Centras
Cfli Consorzio Formazione Logistica Intermodal
Cultures And The Institute Of Information Technology Education Public Integrated Research Center
Carl Von Ossietzky University Of Oldenburg Distance Learning Center
University Of Liège
Coedu E. Learning Company
Lapland University Continuing Education Center
Swedish Telepedagogic Knowledge Center
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives

EUI – Net
2004 - 2007
The aims of the project - the creation of a European network, able to bring together and coordinate better cooperation between universities and industry initiatives, to expand cooperation models and publish the success of most practices at European level.
Project website linkProject name
EUI-Net - European University Industry Network
About the project
The aims of the project - the creation of a European network, able to bring together and coordinate better cooperation between universities and industry initiatives, to expand cooperation models and publish the success of most practices at European level.
Project code
Project duration
2004 - 2007
Socrates Erasmus programme
Transylvanian University Of Brasov
Banking Institution of Higher Education, Riga, Latvia
Business Innovation Center of Latvian Electronic Industry (LEBIC)
Rezekne Higher Education Institution
University Of Maribor, Maribor
Compostela Group Of Universities
Polytechnic Universitary School Of Donostia - San Sebastian, University Of The Basque Country
Centre of Distance Education at Technical University in Zvolen
University Of Cyprus
University Of Sacred Heart
Laboratory Of Ideas
Meccano Spa
Info S.R.L.
H.T.G. - High Technology Group S.N.C.
Systems & Services, Livorno
Institute Of Population And Social Politic Research
Institute For Development Of Third Sector
Italian Institute For Research In Mountain Regions
Technical University Of Sofia
Uninova - Institute For The Development Of New Technologies
Polytechnic Institute Of Porto
Aditec - Assoc For Technical Develom And Innov.
Universitade Do Algrave
Portuguese Catholic University - College Of Biotechnology
Technological Educational Institute Of Patras
Ivis Information And Telecommunication Systems Llc
Technical Institute Of Thessaloniki
Technical University Of Ilmenau
University Of Applied Science Konstanz
Aachen University Of Applied Sciences
Ankara University
Poznan University Of Technology
State Governed Vocational School For Higher Education (Pwsz), Gorzow Wlp
Polytechnic University Of Bucharest
Astec - Tempus Association For Continuing Education
Chamber Of Commerce And Industry
Canam Steel
Institute For Retraining In Mechanical And Electrical Engineering - Ipimea
Romanian Foundation For Energy And Environment
Staffordshire University
De Monfort University
Henley Management College
Cranfield University
International Excellence Reserve - I.E.R.
Vraa College
Aalborg University, Institute Of Energy Technology
Tomas Bata University in Zlín
Galway-Mayo Institute Of Technology
University Of La Rochelle
University Paris 7
Cerealog Sarl
University Of Bergen
European Association For Training And Technology Transfer
Catholic University Of Applied Science Koho Sint-Lieven
University Of Malta
Amadeus Association
Technical University Of Iceland
Budapest University Of Economic Sciences & Public Administration
University Of Pecs
Eszterházy Károly College
Tampere University of Technology
Mälardalen University
Tallinn University Of Technology
Mtu Quin
National Technical University Of Athens
Information And Communications Ltd
Daedalus Informatics Ltd
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives

2007 - 2013
The project aims at providing T&T at VET organizations with understanding and competence in diversification of training based on individual expectations and abilities to manage training content in practice for new specific sectors.
Project name
EVETE 2 - Empowerment of Vocational Education and Training by Improving the E-Learning Competencies of Teachers and Trainers
About the project
E-VETE 2 is addressing T&T at VET institutions, and their needs to facilitate innovative curriculum development using ICT tools and applying highly innovative methodologies in designing new learning units for their end-users and to transfer EVETE methodology to new specific sectors.
Project code
Project duration
2007 - 2013
Leonardo da Vinci programme
Kauno Technologijos Universitetas
The Queen’s University Of Belfast
Reykjavik University
Mimoza Communications Ltd.
University of Lapland
University Of Aegean
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
The project aims at providing T&T at VET organizations with understanding and competence in diversification of training based on individual expectations and abilities to manage training content in practice for new specific sectors.

2004 - 2007
The aim of the project is to combat the social exclusion of people who are unable to pursue a career due to an acquired disability, by offering them job prospects that do not require a permanent presence in the workplace.
Project name
ReDiS - disabled people retraining in information technology
About the project
The aim of the project is to combat the social exclusion of people who are unable to pursue a career due to an acquired disability, by offering them job prospects that do not require a permanent presence in the workplace.
Project code
Project duration
2004 - 2007
Leonardo da Vinci programme
Brno University of Technology
Rigas Tehniska universitate
Technical University of Košice
Instituto Formazione Operatori Aziendali
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski“
Blgarska Asociacia Ua Rabota Ot Razstojanie
Kladruby Rehabilitation Centre
Spravna vyživa
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives

2005 - 2007
This project is aimed to help to better understand and evaluate qualifications and competences of project managers as well as to offer opportunities to evaluate the competences by comparing the content of projects.
Project name
PM-CAT - An Innovative Web-based Tool for Self-testing, Training and Assessing Competences of Project Management Professionals
About the project
This project is aimed to help to better understand and evaluate qualifications and competences of project managers as well as to offer opportunities to evaluate the competences by comparing the content of projects. The main objective of the project is to create a methodology and tools for quality assessment of project managers` competences.
Project code
Project duration
2005 - 2007
Leonardo da Vinci programme
ISM Vadybos Ir Ekonomikos Universitetas
University Of Maribor, Maribor
Vienna University Of Economics And Business
Nova Distance
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Project objectives
- To make a comparative survey of existing National Competence Baselines in Europe and make it available online;
- To prepare internationally recognised project management standards of national competence baseline based on the Lithuanian research;
- To prepare individualised project management training programs based on the need analysis;
- To create a new training methodology for project management;
- To establish an interactive web-based tool for learner centred project management competence training, self-testing, assessment and certification;
- To compile the database of project management professionals.