The second “WeUnique” team meeting in Seville!

The WeUnique team celebrated its 2nd Erasmus+ transnational project coordination meeting on the 17th and 18th of July in Seville. The event was hosted by COCEMFE Sevilla, and participants included NDMA and BETI from Lithuania, as well as Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente from Romania.

During these days, we had the opportunity to discuss the progress of the project’s results. The results from Activity 2 – research was presented, and we fully planned Activity 3, which involves courses for teachers on creating inclusive classrooms for the upcoming period.

Furthermore, the project manager, Gerda Žvirblytė, from NDMA, introduced the next milestones and tasks, as well as shared responsibilities for each partner. Greta Volodzkaitė from the BETI also presented the website and outlined dissemination activities for the upcoming period.

During this meeting, we organized a workshop on “How to Create an Inclusive Classroom,” which was conducted by Alvaro Walls from COCEMFE Sevilla. All partners thoroughly enjoyed the activities and methods for promoting inclusion in education.

The next transnational meeting will be hosted in Lithuania in March 2024.