BlwithRobotics partners meeting in Riga

On June 14th and 15th BETI team, Danguole and Greta, is participating in the transnational partners meeting of the project “BlwithRobotics – Blended Learning to Increase Math Success through Robotic Applications”.?? The meeting is being held in Riga, Latvia. The partnership is formed by organizations from Romania??, Turkey??, Poland??, Latvia??, Lithuania??.

During these two days, partners are looking through the literature review prepared from each country, feedback received during meetings with focus groups and experts. Also, planning tasks for the next period of the project. Especially focusing on the IO1 task – course preparation. Each partner received a topic that they have to prepare the module about.

Lastly, the partners will look through quality management & monitoring tools, administrative and financial aspects, as well as dissemination plans.

More information about the project is coming soon!