New and very strong!

A new project, Time4IT, launched in May 2021, aims to foster a more contemporary OSH education culture among Europe and therefore, to prioritize opportunities for authentic education through the curriculum and the learning environment placed in the context of real-life situations by creating opportunities to intervene the visual perception of a temporally or spatially distant real environment to a learner being at another location.

On the 21st-22nd of June the BETI team was participating in the virtual Kick-off meeting of the Time4IT – Time for Immersive Telepresence, project.

We discussed the goals, progress, and strategy of the projects’ successful implementation. Productively selected projects’ design, logo, and 15 Manufacturing and Service Industries.

We are so glad that our team is not only a technical partner in this project, but we are also responsible for the visual and dissemination of the project.

Dear Project Partners, it was so nice to meet you all!

We are proud to be a part of such a wonderful Projects’ partners team!