Exciting news!
3D4elderly – a project aimed to create innovative learning pathways that increase the quality of the work of caregivers and staff members dealing with people with Alzheimer and elderly people with dementia and also to raise the quality of the life of the patients by using 3D technology, now has released a guideline for caregivers and staff who work with people with Alzheimer and dementia!
We are extremely happy to announce that the first guideline is now available on the project’s website!
IO1A1 – Transfer of knowledge about the basics of 3D printing concepts to the caregivers’ staff working with people with Alzheimer and elderly people with dementia is a guideline for caregivers about the use of 3D Printing. The document is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the technical part on how a 3D printer works and the second one with how to apply this technology in the fields in question. The technical part is complete with all the specifications concerning the operation of a 3D printer: materials, limitation of the size, the use of color and so on… The second part gives specifics on how to use this technology with centers with people with Alzheimer and elderly people with dementia. In particular, it is analyzed and taken into account the needs of the patients and caregivers and how they can be helped in fighting one of the most common problems inherent their first stage of the disease: short-term memory loss. The purpose of this activity is to give to the caregivers and staff members the necessary bases on how to use 3D printing technology related to their context. This guide also allows, teachers to know the technical limits and the potential of the technology in their field. Moreover, this activity will be supported by the courses and that will be organized for them in the IO4.
Make sure to check out the new guideline and keep up with the news!
Check out them here: https://www.3d4elderly.infoproject.eu/#results